Coming back to work, after my holidays, I want to share with you a news that came on the radio: they were talking about the Sixth Edition of the Rural Olympics in Los Pedroches (the Valley of Los Pedroches, province of Cordoba, Southern Spain).
To talk about it, they were making an interview to the Mayor (Bartolomé Madrid Olmo) of the village (Añora), where these Olympics are celebrated every year.

Añora, Córdoba, Southern Spain
The Mayor explained these Olympics are celebrated in order that many games from that area are not forgotten. This year the Olympics are being celebrated from 5 to 7 of July and the games were: A piola : It consisted of a boy crouching while others were jumping on his back, until one of them failed and had to replace the one that was bent.
The game "A piola"
Garrote (Bludgeon).
Cucaña (Cockaigne): Several boys have to climb up a stick to catch threads and chickens, as a reward.It was so in the past, but, when I was a child I remember that game using a horizontal stick over a swimmingpool –of course, the stick was slippery.
Mizos: Is to put 3 wooden dowels on the floor - one after another - and shoot them down with a wooden ball, each dowel down costs its number in points. To place the towels, first of all you have to paint the ground with three horizontal stripes.
Tiraores = Tiradores = Shooters.
Lanzamiento de adoquin = Cobblestone Launch.
Carrera de sacos = Sack-race.
Zancos = Stilts.
Carrera de cintas = Race tapes.
La comba = The camber.
La carretilla = The truck.
Sillita de la Reina = Liitle Queen´s chair.This game consists of the girl who is as a Queen, feel and play as she was a real Queen.The game is composed by three members : two of them are united as a chair and the third member is seated on it.
Pingané: It consists of a stick with tapered ends and another stick stricking the first one.
Sopa = Soup.
Porteo de cántaros = Porting of pitchers.
If you want more information –in Spanish; if you need my help, please tell me it--, please click the following link:
But….it should be best if you came next year.
Till soon, kind regards,
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