Although Spanish is spoken by 500 million people and in 44 countries, there are many words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, depending on the place in which we use them.
For example: “Torta”, in Spain means “blow that you give to someone on its face”; but, In Colombia, it means a “Birthday cake”.
Another word is “Ahora” (“Now”); when we say that, in Spain, it means just that: “Now”; but, for example in Colombia, when the say “Now”, it means “In a while…”, perhaps “Within half an hour or more”; but, in other countries, in Latin America, it means “Within few minutes”.
Another word is “Pena” (Sorrow), that in Spain means that: sorrow, pain; but, in Mexico means “Shame”.
Another word is “Parar” (To stop), in Spain means that: “Stop”, but in Colombia, Mexico ando other countries means: “Get up”.
Other word is “Piso”, that in Spain means: “House”, “Home”; but in other countries means “Floor”.
You have to be careful with a so used word in Spain, because in other country it means a very ugly thing; I mean to the word “Coger”, that in Spain means to take something, but for example in Argentina it means to make love.In the University of Journalism, the teachers want that the students say “Tomar” (“To take”) instead of “Coger”, but I see that teachers do not get it it for example when journalists speak on tv, because they use to say “Coger”.
Other times it happens that a word is not understood because who say it does not pronounce it well; for example, in Andalucía is easy to hera say “Asada” –it seems to be “Roasted”; however it means a tool to break ground and it is correctly wrotten so: “Azada”--.
Another word used in Spain recently is “Venga”; it is used to mean “Come on!”--; however it also means “That I come” and “”Come you” and “That he or she revenge against someone”.
Perhaps you know another words; if it is so, please tell me it.
I hope that you have enjyed.
Till soon, kind regards,
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