The researcher at the University Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Maria Angeles Muñoz, and her research team have developed a gel that prevents HIV transmission by almost 100%, thanks to nanomolecules called "dendrimers", that bind to a protein of to prevent HIV transmission, which is combined with a retroviral. The gel is being tested in humanized mice and likely in mid-2014, if funding is achieved, can certify "whether it works or not" and begin preclinical and clinical protocols.
She explains that “dendrimers” have the characteristic of having some branching structures, whose surface is negatively charged and the HIV has a protein, named “GP 120”, that has positive charge. This junction prevents healthy cells from becoming infected. Therefore, the gel acts as a protective film, to prevent the cells from becoming infected.
No epithelial barrier crossing, which will not be level systemic, topical level only. It has also been discovered which are soluble in all solutions, they are stable. It has also been seen that acts at every level of PH, so acts on any type of HIV. But tests on mice and are now going to start trying in humans; so, they are trying to get that if you want to infect someone, you can not infect. They think that any result will be got by mid-2014.
Maria Angeles says that many therapies are being studying; for example, they are working on “Gene therapy”. It is also slowing the vertical transmission –that was a real problem in Spain and in other countries. It is the transmission from a mother to his son or her daughter--. So, some new therapies are being worked.
She says that still can not say the price of the gel, because they still work with a small amount.Anyway she says that a gel is alwys cheaper than a pill.
Maria Angeles says that this gel is based on the Nanotechnology. She explains that the Nanotecnology is a science composed by “Nano”, that means “Very small” and Technology.So, we will can see “Nano-Robots”, for surgery, for diagnostic.
She also says that despite of the crisis, they do not want to stop the projects; so, they are seeking foreign funding.
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