Here I want to show you how nice and great are some squares in Spain.
The program of Tv starts so:
A journalist of the program: “What a luxury, Mary Teresa!”.
A lady: “I go to bed with this view”.
The same journalist: “How many baconies to the square?”.
The lady answers: “We have: one, two and the viewpoint”.
The journalist: “How is that you have come to live here in the square?”.
The sir answers: “A dream of all the life”.
Silvia Sanchez (the journalist): “Some few privileged can open these windows”.
Silvia: “For how selling a floor of 200 meters useful in the Plaza de Oriente?”.
The young lady: “Concretely this is in 1.200.000 Euros”.
Another journalist: “Is a privilege to drink here coffees?"
A sir: “Yes”.
The journalist: “Privilege to live here”
The sir : “And so cheap”.
A lady waitress: “These are the typical little tapitas from here”.
Silvia Sanchez: “They are free”
The waitress: “They are free”
Another journalist: “You do not stop…¿Are you?. Horrifying…”
A sir waiter: “Here nobody stop…Horrifying”.
A young girl waitress: “This is full of characters”.
A dancer: “The square is a mine for every person in need”.
Monica Hernandez: “Everybody pass through the square. To create a business costs much more here”.
A sir: “These last two years nine properties have been closed”
Another journalist: “And the renting of a property like this one?”
A boy: “Among 15.000 and 25.000 Euros”.
Sara Lozano: “Here there is a lot of fuss with weddings; is not it?”
A couple: “We will be married right now…”
Sara Lozano: “Which one is your favorite corner of your city ?. Great Square. Today in Comando Actualidad”.
A lady: “The center of our neighborhood: pure cinnamon”.
Silvia Sanchez: “You are the Postman of the Plaza de Oriente”.
The Postman: “Exactly”.
Silvia: “How many years have you….”.
The Postman: “twenty years I will do. Many people call me “Royal little postman”. Exactly”.
Silvia: “I understand these are the most expensive flats of whole Madrid”.
The postman: “They may be the most expensive; even the more expensive renting .People is confused about the Salamanca district: I think that the most expensive renting are here”.
Silvia: “Yes?. Do you konow how many can pay anyone for renting in this area, more or less?”.
The postman: “I think that more than 3000 Euros”.
The postman rings a door.It is open and the postman says: “Hello, good morning. Is the lady Concha?......Good morning, Miss Concha. I am bringing the mail”.
Concha: “Come in, come in”.
Silvia: “Juan, the postman, has told us that you have some beautiful views to the Plaza de Oriente”.
Concha: “Well. The truth is that we are privileged to live here. It is a wonder. Come in, come in. Look…..Before going to bed and when I wake up, the last and the first thing that I do is to stay here two minutes, because it is relaxing; I go to bed with this view; it is a wonder. I am delighted”.
Silvia: “How many balconies to the square?”.
Concha: “We have: one, two and the viewpoint. This is like a wonderful place for reading. My husband spends hours here, because he reads a lot”.
Silvia: “Concha, How many meters has the house?”.
Concha: “But I think that 200 meters”.
Silvia: “How much do you pay for renting in the Plaza de Oriente?”.
Concha: “I can not tell you that…, I can not tell you that, because there are several rented flats and I do not want to created problems….This is the dining room, which also looks forward the salon”.
Silvia: “Are you that?”.
Concha: “Yes.Itis a picture that Revello del Toro painted to me.Many years ago, many years ago”.
Silvia: “You are very beautiful”. “What do you do?”.
Concha: “I am a Lawyer. But, it is just six month that I has been retired. Look: this is our bedroom; the decoration is much part by my husband and my daughter, more than mine.”.
Silvia: “The ceilings are as formerly…”
Concha: “Yes.They are a wonder; they are old, of course”. “Here is my husband, who is a music-lover and a reader”
Silvia: “Hello. Good morning. Are you working ?”.
The husband: “No”.
Silvia: “You are so privileged living here in the Plaza de Oriente; are not you?”.
The husband: “Do I make a synopsis?”.
Concha: “My husband is a moaner, but…well…”
The husband: “Here you can not parking; above all the days with Opera, because 300 cars, “official” theoretically, are parking. They put some horses for policemen; it has been very nice, because tourists make pictures with the little horses, but after..the horses litter the streets”.
Concha: “As you see, you have the negative side and the positive side”.
Silvia: “Thank you, Charles, for attending to us; we let you follow reading . See you…”.
Silvia to Concha: “Goodby, see you. Nice to meet you”.
Concha: “Nice to meet you”.
The postman (Juan): “Iñigo, Iñigo!. This is another resident of the area”.
Silvia: “But….you know everybody…!”
Juan: “Yes. To everybody, to everybody absolutely”……”Now we are going to the Royal Palace. The Royal Palace also receive correspondence from all over the world”.
Silvia: “And have you received letters for the Princes…..”
Juan: “Yes, yes, yes, always…, specially when approaching wedding date received a flood of mail”
Silvia: “And what means for you to be the postman of the Plaza de Oriente?”
Juan: “But…a pride, the truth is yes”. “Thank you very much”
Silvia: “To you”.
Silvia: “Good morning. How do you do?"
A girl: “Well”.
Silvia: “Are you ready for the changing of the guard?”
A girl: “So ready”
Silvia: “What do you feel in this moment?”
The same girl: “But…jitters…, of course…, there are many people seeying to us….and it is a lot of work..”
Silvia: “Just in front of one of the corners of the Royal Palace, and on the north side of the Plaza de Oriente, we see that there are very many real estate signs. ….Hello, good morning, I see that you are selling a flat”.
A young lady: “Yes”
Silvia: “May we see it?”
The lady: “Yes”
Silvia: “Thank you”….”Hello”
The lady: “Pass you through here…I finish….”
Silvia: “How many meters has this flat?”
The young lady: “They are 200 useful meters”
Silvia: “And for how much selling a floor of 200 meters useful in the Plaza de Oriente?”.
The lady: “Concretely this one is in 1.200.000 Euros”.”Almost everything that we have use to be inheritances. It is easier to sell flats from one million than flats from 200.000 or 300.000”
Silvia: “Then, right now are buying to you people who have money…”
The lady: “Really”….”The client who asks for this estate, asks for an area of service”
Silvia: “All the flats in this area have an area of service?”
The lady: “Yes. Everybody have…..and who have no area, it makes a reform and makes an area of service”.
Silvia: “Mr. Luis de Lezama”
Mr. Luis: “Hello”
Silvia: “You live here. In the Plaza de Oriente”
Mr. Luis: “36 years”
Silvia: “36 years , In which flat do you live?”
Mr. Luis: “In the last one, there, in the attic; but I look to the side of Philip V (street)”
Silvia: “This coffee-house that we are seeing right now is the “Coffee of Oriente”. “Café de Oriente”, “La Botillería”, “La Taberna del Alabardero”…… have –we could say so…-- a Gourmet emporium…”
Mr. Luis: “600 employees, 22 houses in all Spain and in Washington (United States),; now in Miami….”
Silvia: “According to the data that I have looked, your companies have a benefit of 17 million each year; they will come the people from Heritage and will say to you…..”
Mr. Luis: “Not a benefit…, I supose that It will be a billing account. Hopefully the benefits were 17 millions…, but…I suppose that it is too well checked and it gives benefit to us”. …”Good morning. That is the Manager. May we pass to the Kitchen, Paco?”
Paco: “Directly”
Mr. Luis: “But I have not cooking; have I?”
Paco: “No, no”.
Mr. Luis: “Roberto, who is the Cheff. They told me that your English is improving, in order to go you to America”
The Cheff: “To improve a little bit…..after the years…”
Mr. Luis: “And the Euskera, What?.
The Cheff: “The Euskera as always….”
Mr. Luis: “ A Bilbaino from Deusto…”
Silvia: “You have been fed to the Pope, when he came to Spain the last time”
The Cheff: “Also to Juan Pablo II”.
Mr. Luis: “Look at the beans .....give me a spoon, in order that I try the beans”
Silvia: “What is it to work”
Silvia: “What it means to work in the coffee house of Oriente, in the Plaza de Oriente?"
The Chef: “It is an opportunity, that you can not lose…--It makes my hair stand on end--, it was an opportunity, for a long time and right now for me….to enjoy it”.
Mr. Luis: “This is the cistern of the Café de Oriente; look, look….lookk what a nice, look what a nice…..”
Silvia: “This is what it had under…..”
Mr. Luis: “This is some remains of a wall…From that epoch…”, “Look at this….very interesting this one….It is nice”
Silvia: “And.,, where are we going into, luis?”
Mr. Luis: “We are going into the King´s diningroom. The King and the Queen use to sit down on this armchair, logically. And it is nice that there is a his father´s picture; we were a little bit younger”
Silvia: “ Is this one you?”
Mr. Luis: “This is me”
A girl: “Hello. Two waters”
Silvia: “Good evening. I do not know if I may disturb you…”
The same girl: “Good evening”
Silvia: “They say about the Plaza de Oriente that it is a meeting place for artists, famous people…., today there is Ópera”
The girl: “Today there is Opera”
Silvia: “Are you here for the Opera?”
The girl: “Well, look: I am here because my friend, Miriam, who works in the “Royal Theatre”, uses to invite me to the rehearsals”
Silvia: “ Where is the plural of Amaral…Juan?
Note: This girl is the famous Spanish singer, Amaral.
Amaral: “But, the plural of Amaral is practiseing…we are so close to the “Royal Theatre” and I scaped from the rehearsals, when Miriam calls me”
Silvia: “Yes?, Do you come to the Square very much?”
Amaral: “Yes, yes, yes….it is funny…It is very touristic…but it has the other side of people who live in the city and come down to live it”.
Miriam: "Today there are too people.., normally, when there is Ópera, the Square is very lively”
Silvia: “Well, that you like the representation and thank you for attendying us”
Amaral: “Thanks to you”
Silvia: “See you later”.
The Ruler in the Royal Theatre: “Please, take out those tapes….Albert, let us try the output with the coat”
The Ruler: “I am a Ruler, responsible, responsible for carrying out this production”, “Would you be long?”
A girl, cleaning the floor: “No”
The Ruler: “This one?, All right”
Silvia: “What is for you to work in the Royal Theatre?”
The Ruler: “Ufff…but…it is like to be with a Ferrari…that should be for a driver car….it is a Ferrari….a wonder”
Silvia: “Where are we going in?”
The Ruler: “But, we are going to see Christine Goérke, who is the Electra…”
Silvia: “The protagonist”
The Ruler: “The protagonist of the Marathon of Opera that I have in front. Hello, Christine…Christine?...Hello”
Silvia: “That awful!. Do make this all players before going out on stage?”
The Ruler: “Exactly. All singers have to vocalize, they have to warm up the voice”.
Silvia: “Hello. You are…..”
A girl: “The makeup artist”
Silvia: “Well, we leave you quiet, because there are few minutes to start the Ópera. Have a good luck. See you later. Thank you”
The Ruler: “Good bye”.
Silvia: “There we are seeing to Her Majestic, the Queen Sophie, coming into the Royal Theatre and now they will make the formal greeting”.
Sara Lozano: “The Ringer of the Plaza de El Salvador, in the Church which has the same name, in Seville, is the fourth Generation of “Men Fly”. The Ringer….”
The Ringer: “Yes”
Sara: “Nice to meet you. Hw do you do?”
The Ringer: “Very well..”
Sara: “Where are you from?”
The Ringer: “But, right now, if I tell you the truth….from buying a little bit fish for my home".
"This is my home, from….the time of my father, time of my grandfather and time for the Great Granfather, and time of my Great great Grandfather….My father was the famous “Man Fly” “
Sara: “What a frown had your father here…!”.
The Ringer: “Because they are bells of 800 kilograms and then he goes by the counterweight to the bell”
Sara: “With the same weight of one..!
The Ringer: “Yes”
Sara: “Can you against 1000 kilograms?”
The Ringer: “Well…it does not depend on stronger or less strong…”
Sara: “It depends on much skill…”
The Ringer: “Sure!”
Sara: “This sir is your father….!”
The Ringer: “That one. He was the famous “Man-Fly” “
Sara: “No harness, no insurance, no anything…”
The Ringer: ”Those were different times…”
Sara: “He was played his life everyday….”
The Ringer: “But, yes, everyday”
Sara: “Is this you, Antonio?”
Antonio: “Yes, I am turning here”
Sara: “How old were you the firs time you prepared yourself?”
Antonio: “The first time I got on a bell, I was 8 years old”
Sara: “This one you told me it was two years ago”
Antonio: “Yes, it wasa couple of years”. “Let us go up…”
Sara: “Yes?”
Antonio: “To the oldes belfry, that right now we have in whole Andalussia”
Sara: “Here nobody goes up, you were telling…”
Antonio: “No. Here only go up we, my children and I. This is my belfry”
Sara: “Well, it is like your study too”
Antonio: “Well, sure….This is my life. …All the bells that are here –which they are seven—the first one, that have to start, is this one. This one is punished..”
Sara: “This one, why?”
Antonio: “It was punished by my grandfather, because in one of the runs, he hit it there. We punish them..; if they make pain between them,…out…; because you have to dominate the bell, not that the bell dominates to you. To do this one, you have to separate a little bit from me…, because I have to jump over the bell..; but do not you be afraid…..”, “Have you seen how I stoped it?; it does not matter….And now I have to go down…It is nothing what you have seen…”
Sara: “Spectacular…”
Antonio: “What happens is that I have a bone hurt…and I do not trust….”
Sara: “Sure”…..”Excites it to you here?”
Antonio: “Yes. I cry here often….I promised to my father that this would go forward and it is so”
Sara: “Do you live well as a Ringer…?, Do you make one rich?”
Antonio: “No, not rich. What you have to do is working….If you were rich, you should be bored. You remove me the bell and I will be bored”.
A young man: “Mani fried, mani blanching”.
Sara: “A long time here, Antonio, working?”
Antonio: “23 years. Sometimes I do not stand up the head from the cabinet”
Sara: “Antonio. How much you can win in one day?, here with potatoes, a good day, like today”
Antonio: “ 200, 230, 240, 250 Euros……it depends…”
Sara: “And what other things you make, Antonio?”
Antonio: “But, my profession: Electrician and Electronic”.
Sara: “The Plaza de El Salvador” is crwded with people the weekends, especially at lunchtime, to the point that one of the bars has become the place that more beer is consumed throughout Seville, per square meter”, …… “What people ask….everybody “Caña” (beer)…and here what we have…?”
A waiter: “Olives, with gherkin; greaves from here of Seville, that are very good ... low cholesterol….., all : 2,50 the tapa and 1,20 the olives”.
Sara: “What this beer has that everybody comes to dreank it?".
The waiter: “It is the square; it is not the beer, but the square”.
Sara: “Are you stressed out here?”
The waiter: “Yes, yes…here yes…compared with other business where I was……”
Sara: “You do not stop….horrifying…..”
The waiter: “Yes, yes,….here you do not stop….”
Sara: “But, How long is this?”
The waiter: “This one…?, Till 5 p.m. we are so here……It is smoking hot and we have opened an hour ago….”
Sara: “Is this job well paid……, yes. How much can you win?”
The waiter: “A minimum of 1300 upwards”
Sara: “You have to wash on hand, quickly, quickly, Have not you?”, How many glasses”
A young waiter: “5000 or 6000 glasses in each day”
Sara: “How old….?”
The young waiter: “21”
Sara: “Is this one your first job?”
The waiter: “Noooo. I am Julio´s son”
Sara: “Ah..who is the owner of “The Bodeguita”, this place…”
The waiter: “Future…future owner….”
Sara: “Would you like to take charge ..?”
The waiter: “Yes”
Sara: “But this is a madness….Is not stressful?”
The waiter: “It is; but you enjoy very well yourself…”
Sara: “My mother….how you go…..!”
Sara: “Do you belong here?”
A couple and a boy: “Yes”
Sara: “Ah…And come you much?”
The couple: “When the weather is good”
Sara: “But this one is addictive…This is a ritual, Is not it?”
The couple: “Yes. So much…always”
Sara: “We are now seeing two future boyfriends…They told us that and the end is the “Boyfriends´street”. “There is so much fuss about the wedding, right?”;. She –of the coulple—says: “Yes. We are getting married”.
Sara: “Are everybody getting married?”
The couple: “Yes, everybody.We will marry very soon”
Sara: “When you will marry”.
The boyfriend: “The next year”.
Sara: “Look: we come from Spanish Television, from “Comando Acualidad…..Thank you”
A sir: “Wellcome….Nice to meet you”
Sara: “What is your name?”
The sir: “Jose Luis, to serve you”
Sara: “The second neighbor that we know here in the Plaza de El Salvador”
Jose Luis: “Yes?. Here you have your home; so, you can enter gladly”
Sara: “Yes?, Are you going to show it us?. How long have you lived here?”
Jose Luis: “33 years”
Sara: “And how old are you”
Jose Luis: “I am 69…..”
Sara: "Then are you retired already?”
Jose Luis: “I am retired already”
Sara: “And what were you doing before?”
Jose Luis: “I am a Doctor…….Come on”
Sara: “Your wife is over here”
Jose Luis: “She is here…”
Sara: “Hello…”
The wife: “I am going to cook a little bit coffee”
Sara: “Too noise here….Do you sleep well?
Jose Luis: “We do”
The wife: “I do not want such a silence….”
Sara: “Is this the home?”
Jose Luis: “This is the home”
Sara: “Is it owned by you?"
Jose Luis: “No. We rent…and I do not go out of here, because I have an old rental”
Sara: “Is it very cheap?”
Jose Luis: “So cheap….”
The wife: “Let us go to drink the coffee up…, Do not we…?, while we show her the roof”
Sara: “This is the ritual of the neighbors: to show the home….”
The wife: “Yes”
Jose Luis: “Exactly”.
To be continued……..
Here you can watch the video of the program:
I hope that you have enjoyed.
Till soon, kind regards,
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