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The Zarzuela in Spain: El Bateo
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 @ 2:46 AM

      “El Bateo” is a piece of Zarzuela, that is a comic farce, in a ceremony and four tables, written by Antonio Paso and Antonio Dominguez and Music by the Teacher Federico Chueca. It was premiered in November -1901, at the Theatre of the Zarzuela.

      Antonio Paso was a prolific author of Zarzuela and Magazines, who became President of the Society of Authors and father of Alfonso Paso, the most prolific author of Theatre, from Lope de Vega. For example: in 1966, 8 theaters in Madrid were representing his works.

      Federico Chueca is probably the author who has best capture the people´s soul of Madrid, of the music of Madrid.

      Now, we are going to watch the work “El Bateo”:

      This is the lyrics, in Spanish:

Él:  “Yo me llamo Virginio Lechuga Garcí y Quirós, gracias a Dios y, desde este momento, Señora, soy su servidor y admirador;. Donde sirvo, se presta dinero, sin mas interés….y a fin de mes, por 50 duros tiene usted que dar 1200 Reales al pagar….Estas y otras cosas que el villano proporciona, para dejarle arruinada a una persona, mas si de este modo gasta el capital, veo en un Asilo a mi principal……¡Te he dicho que no!”.

Ellos llaman a Visita  (la protagonist de la obra): “¡Visita…!, ¡Visita…!”

Él: “Aquí traigo unas medias de seda color carmesí; pero hasta aquí…, quiera Dios que a Visita le gusten lo mismo que a mí….creo que sí…; de seguro que cuando las vea me va a regañar y a preguntar: ¿para qué hace esto Sr. Vigimín?, Para que se acuerde usted de mí. Cuando se las ponga y el vestido se levante, un poquirritito nada mas que por delante, Valgame San Pedro lo que se veráaaaa!, Dios que me perdone, si es que pienso mal”.


Llega Visita y dice: “Muy buenos días, Sr. Viginio…”

Virginio: “Muy buenos días los tenga usted…Cuando me mira, me vuelvo loco y me sonrojo.., no sé por qué..”

Now Visita answers to him, but I do not understand what she says…; I am sorry.

Visita: “Yo soy una Chula muy resalá (resalada = charming).”

Virginio: “Olé yaaaa”

Visita: “Soy un granito de primer to….”

Virginio: “Ole yoooo”

Visita: “Todos los hombres cuando me miran, porque suspiran y todos van detrás de mí, porque me traigo vivos hasta allí”

Virginio: “Olé que sí”…”Yo soy un “lila” (lilac ~ gay = homosexual) como usted ve”

Visita: “Ya lo séeee”

Virginio: “Soy un pedazo de requesón”

Visita: “Y un simplón”

Virginio: “Yo me declaro….”

Visita: “Decía usted”

Virginio: “Que hace un dia muy hermosooo…”

Visita: “Y  un bochorno de chipén”

Virginio: “No sé qué hacer…eso es atroz…¿Por qué seré tan cobardón??

Visita: “¿Qué tiene usted tan enfadado…, a caso yo le habré faltado?;  ¿Qué tiene usted tan enfadado, a caso yo le habre faltado?

Virginio: “Ahora mismo se lo digo y estas tonterías ya se han acabado”………..


Ellas: “¡Quéeee!”

Virginio: “Estoy mujer amorao….de una chica muy chulapa, que me trae dislocao…”

Visita: “¿Se pue… pue……se puede saber quién es?”

Virginio: “Pues es…, pues es….”

Visita: “Pues hijo…”

Virginio: “Pues es usted”

Now I can not understand well to Visita…., I only understand her when she says: “…… contestación…….Lo que me ha dicho sera confirmer”

Virginio: “Que me condene si no fuera así”

Visita: “Pues desde hoy lo consentiré y me iré…”

Virginio: “¡Qué felicidad….No sé por qué me han slido del me dan…….Juré que suyo tan sólo seré”

Visita: “Dentro de un rato se lo juraréeee”

Virginio: “Venga esa manoooo”

Visita: “Con el ya va…En cucliyas muy bonito, para andar a bofetás”

Virginio: “Qué fuerza tiene la condenadaaaa…”

Visita: “…………”…”Soy preciosa como un clavel”

Virginio: “Ya lo sé”

Visita: “De…………. a figunoooon, que …..que yo hablaseeee era dueño de mi amor. Vaya un tipel…”

Virginio: “Qué alegre estoy…, yo con usted, qué pillo soy….ay qué trapel…, qué alegre soy….yo con usteeeed……”, at the same time, Visita: “un chupa soy….qué lila es….ay qué simplon……vaya un trapel….mariposón….qué lila es….”

At the end, both say:

Virginio: “Rica”

Visita: “Rico”

Virginio: “Mona”

Visita: “Requetemonín…Uhhh”

Virginio and Visita: “Qué alegreeee sooooooooooooooy”


      And this is the lyrics in English:

Him: " My name is Virginio Lechuga García y Quiros , thanks God , and from this moment , Lady, I am your servant and admirer , . Where I serve , lends money without interest .... and more ends meet by 50 reales you do have to give 1200 reales to pay .... These and other things that the villain gives for ruined let a person, but if this capital spending mode , I see in a Nursing Home to my main......I have told you no " .

They call Visita ( the protagonist of the book ) : "Visita ... ! ,Visita ... ! "

Him: " I have brought a crimson silk stockings , but even here ... God forbid you like to visit the same thing to me .... I think so ... ; insurance when I will see scold and ask: what does this Mr. Virgimín ? , you agreed for me. When the set and dress up a poquirritito nothing but ahead , Oh Saint Peter! what it will be seen? , God forgive me , if I wrong".


Visita arrives and says, " Good morning , Mr. Virginio ... "

Virginio : " Very good morning you have them ... When I look, I get mad and blush .. I do not know why .. "

Now Visita answers to him , but I do not understand what she says ... , I am sorry .

Visita: "I am a very resalá cocky ( resalada = charming ) . "

Virginio : " Olé alreadyyyy "

Visit: "I am a granite top to .... "

Virginio : " Ole meeeee "

Visita: " All men when they look , because everyone will sigh and behind me , because I bring things up there "

Virginio : " Olé yes " ... " I am a" lilac " ( lilac ~ gay = homosexual) as you see "

Visita: "You will see it "

Virginio : "I'm a piece of cottage cheese "

Visita: " And a simpleton "

Virginio : "I declare .... "

Visita: " You said….."

Virginio : " What does a very beautiful day ... "

Visita: " And an embarrassment Chipen "

Virginio : " I do not know what to do ... that is terrible ... Why am I so cowardly?”.

Visita: " What have you got so angry ..., a case I have I missed? ; What has you so angry….., a case I have missed?”

Virginio : "Right now I say and this nonsense already been finished " ...........

.... "I'm ... I'm .... "

Them (the ladies): "Whaaat? "

Virginio : "I am, woman,  amorao (in love, he means).... of a pretty chulapa (cocky woman) , which brings me dislocated ... "

Visita: " ..... May it be? ......May it be ?........ May it be known ? "

Virginio : " Well, it is ... but it is .... "

Visita: " Well son ..."

Virginio : "But it is you "

Now I can not understand well to Visita ...., I only understand  her when she says: "........ the answer ....... What I have said will confirmer "

Virginio : " I will be damned if I did not "

Visita: "As from today I will consent and go ... "

Virginio : "What happiness .... do not know why I have slido of give me yours ....... I swore that I will only "

Visita: " In a little while I will swear to you "

Virginio : " Come that hand"

Visita: " With the already it goes  ... In crouch down very nice to walk to slaps ​​"

Virginio : " What force has the condemneeeed ... "

Visita: "............" ... "I am beautiful as a carnation "

Virginio : "I know it "

Visita: " Of ............. to figunoooon that I talked  ..... I owned my love . What a tipel ... "

Virginio : " How happy I am ... , I with you, I get it .... oh why do Trapel ... what .... I 'm happy with usteeeed ......" , at the same time , visit: " I'm a dick .... what is lilac oh what a simpleton ...... .... go one Trapel .... philandering .... what lila is .... "

At the end , Both say :

Virginio : " Rich "

Visita: " Rich "

Virginio : " Pretty "

Visita: " Requetemonín ... Uhhh "

Virginio and Visita: " What happy I aaaaaaaaam "


      This is the story of El Bateo, in a short way:

Baptism (batting) is the child of Nieves and Lolo, whose paternity is questioned by Pamplinas, old love spoiling Nieves proposed baptism, helped by Visita one cocky Lolo infatuated and who wants Virginio, for it spreads the rumor that Nieves house between a man early on the man in question is Wamba but does not seek but his mother Nieves. At the end it all ends with the joy of all, Pamplinas is mocked, Nieves and Lolo are preparing to marry, like Valerian and Wamba. The poor Virginio is paying for the duck blame all of conspiracies.

      Well, I hope that you have enjoyied.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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