This is the program of Tv “Spain flush with sky” and now dedicated to the wonderful construction: the Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial, that is 47 kilometers from Madrid.
This is the video of this program:
Francis Lorenzo (the presenter of the program) says: “From this “chear”, it is supposed that Felipe II (Philip II) watched the construction that four centuries later was declared a World Heritage Site. At that time there was not a policy of preservation of these wonders ...... but now yes, and, thanks to that, Spain is the second country with more world heritage of the planet. Specifically are 44 the cultural properties, monuments and natural sites that UNESCO has recognized of our country”.
Francis follos saying: “Our journey begins at only 50 km from Madrid. There is the Royal Monastery of El Escorial, which was declared a World Heritage Site in 1984. Each year it hosts more than half a million visitors”.
Over the image, you can see a sign that says: the work of the Escorial lasted only 21 years.
Francis says: “After, we will tell you who are the tenants of these nearly thirty-five thousand square meters; but now we will meet Juan Ignacio Cuesta (a scholar who knows all the secrets of El Escorial), and we will do as Philip II: from heights”
Juan Ignacio: “The dimensions of the Monastery are absoultly spectacular: it takes about thirty-five thousand square meters, approximately, which comprises the four main towers: the tower of the Cierzo, of the North, of the Ladies and of the Garden”.
Note: while Juan Ignacio is talking about the towers, you can see three signes which say: Library, Library, Church, 92 meters high.
Juan Ignacio: “After, it has the Dome and two bell …and formed inside barracks: one belongs to the Closing of the Monks and the College currently Alfonso XII”.
Francis: “Felipe II wanted that The Escorial was a Pantheon where they would rest all the Kings of Spain. The last King to find rest, in the Monastery, was Alfonso XIII, whose remains returned to Spain in 1980”.
Note: While Francis was explaining about the Kings in Spain, you can watch the sentence: 12 monarchs are buried in the Pantheon of Kings.
An announcer on Spanish Television says: “After the funeral, the coffin of Alfonso XIII is transferred to the Pantheon of Monastery. The King of Madrid, finally, rests in his land .., with his parents and ancestors in the Crown of Spain”.
Juan Ignacio: “We have two locations: one is bound logically to Juan Carlos and other one is intended for Sofía, his wife, and then we do not know what will be done, because there is no more room for more Kings there".
Note: You can watch a sing that says: Philip II was a big fan of relics, and so here are saved over 7000.
Juan Ignacio: “Today everyone can see the Monastery inside and you can visit it, but in time of its founder, could not get more than he and his monks and whether a personality, no one else. And so it was for a very long time, almost until the twentieth century Only one visit allowed check that this is one of the great wonders that man has conceived, his tenacity, his effort, and of course, with its money”.
Francis: “The most extraordinary thing of The Escorial is not that it it the largest Royal Monastery of Spain, but it also is inhabited for 450 years. We walked into the private part of Monastery, closed to the general public. Only people who inhabit these walls know their mysteries. But ... Who live on this monument, considered for years, "the eighth wonder of the world"?”.
Antonio Iturbe (Prior Father Augustine): “We are around one hundred people who live here: the Children of the Choir, who sing in the choir, in the Basilica. After, there is a number of students of Theology and then is the Community itself. We are Priests and have the whole organization and all the work of this Monastery”.
Francis: “Prior Father leads us to contemplate the best views from the tower of the Chemist of the Monastery…. We are lucky because, being in a private area, they may not be enjoyed by visitors”.
Antonio Iturbe: “I every morning when I wake up, I open my balcony and I see this same ... and is a joy to enjoy this view of the Escorial”….”The year 1885, we the Agustinian took over the Monastery of The Escorial; but we are Friars, living in a Monastery; although we move much out, because that was the purpose of the mendicant orders: being in the village, with the people and for the people”…. “Living here makes you unravel the true soul of the Monastery. You have to live, to be here and enjoy this, and it is, as I say, a privilege and a honey to may live here”……” In this Basilica have been married important people and people who are not so important, there is everything”.
Francis: “One of the most talked weddings occurred in 1970: Rocío Durcal and Junior got the "I do" in front of hundreds of attendees”.
Archive NODO (News Documentary): “She wears a dress, Princess line, long sleeves and narrow tail flared skirt and waist part. In the preparation of the veil, they were employed more than 4 yards of tulle…. One last requirement: spouses and witness sign the Marriage Certificate…. To the newlyweds everybody will develop all kinds of adventures”.
Francis: “At weddings celebrated in the Basilica of San Lorenzo, one of the most anticipated moments is a performance by the Choir of the Schola cantorum: fifty children, known worldwide for their virtuous voices”
A message on the image: This choir was founded in the sixteenth century.
Francis: “But what is not known is that these children live, together with the Friars, in the monumental Monastery. Who are they?, What qualities do they have?, How these children are chosen?”
Another message on the image: 51 children make up the Choir.
Jose Maria Herranz (Director of the Schola cantorum): “For a child to go to the choir, we have a selected process: we first visit a lot of schools, you select a number of kids, who are invited to some tests, here in the monastery. All these kids have great qualities, both for study and for the music, because life is very demanding in the choir: they have a very full schedule, and good, they are very happy, but they have a lot of work and not all children are worth for this”.
Jose María: “Good afternoon”
The children: “Good afternoon”
Jose María: “Here I introduce to younger children the Schola cantorum: these have arrived 15 days ago and already have you heard them singing. Here studying music theory and prepare to join the Choir”.
Francis: “Newcomers Children receive their first lessons in music. With the passage of time, the best of them will be part of the Choir and sing for half the world; only they know the effort they do, to keep in the Choir”.
A message on the image: They havesong for the Popo Benedicto XVI and in 10 countries.
Daniel del Valle, 12 years old: “We do daily one hour of rehearsal and the weekend do two hours and sometimes even more ..... And also devoted considerable time to the study .... It is quite disciplined, but you learn a lot ... And music here is what else there is”.
A message on the image: Children see their parents one day a week.
Alejandro García, 16 years old: “I have been here nine years and I really was not aware that I live in a place that is a World Heritage Site and the truth is that it is a bit like ... Oh, my God ... it is here, in the book of Language, The Escorial ... I do not know .... it's an experience ...”.
Francis: “We have known how live the inhabitants of this monument created by Man”.
The program has finished and I hope that you have enjoyied.
Till soon, kind regards,
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