Some Engineers from Valencia (Spain) have created a smart carpet to prevent theft, especially in stores.
Now I am going to show you a video, which explains you the invention better:
The commentator says: "If you are a thief and steal at this store aims, know that they will catch you.The doormat discrete hides a thin antenna that detects each of the garments that passes overhead. The device, also, is detailing all the features of the product subtracted".
Javier Muñoz (Director of TAG INGENIEROS): "As we have identified the garment, we know that we are stealing, but we know what we are stealing clothing, uniformly.Then from there, we can decide what starring do, as a function of the value of that garment".
The commetator: "Each tag has a chip that prevents anti-theft uncomfortable skewers. Those who use the system, say that streamlines work: it allows doing the inventory of 9000 clothes, say, in three-quarters of an hour".
Marta Chova (proprietress of "TRASLUZ"): "Every month we do an inventory, then, we already control ... because if indeed there has been some theft or not, we do not need reach the end of season, when we do return, to know it".
The commentator: "For its creators, the challenge has been to reduce the thickness of the antenna and increase your endurance".
Toni Tortosa (Developer of the anti-theft system): "we had to find a material ... in this case rubbery ... in order that it was wrapped and also it had its protections .. at the moment you set foot, logically not break it...".
The commentator: "This Spanish invention is already exported to six countries of the European Union .... and 12 High Couture firms use it in their stores, but their customers do not know it".
I am sure that in Spain there are very smart and well prepared people.
Till soon, kind regards,
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