Today is the Day of the Holy Family. The Holy Family is the term used to designate the family of Jesus of Nazareth, made according to the Bible, Joseph, Mary and Jesus. His feast is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Christmas day (ie, among December 25 and January 1), or December 30, if there is no Sunday among those two days.

LA SAGRADA FAMILIA, at the church of EL PERELLA, Tarragona, North eastern Spain, by Juan Nolla, at
Although, according to the Catholic Church, the indivisible union of these three important figures is celebrated (the Virgin Mary --whom the Angel announced that she would engender a child who would come to save the world from sin--, Joseph --whom the Angel of the Lord asked not to be afraid to take Mary, because the Son engendered from the Holy Spirit came-- and Jesus --whom God sent to our world, full of hate and misery, to save to humans against all sin--), I do not want to offend the sensibilities of those who read this and are not Believer, like me, because while I think that the Holy Family is a great mystery, also I think, from a point of view outside the religious belief, that FAMILY is the BASE OF SOCIETY; and therefore it must be maintained.
I really feel pity, when I listen to talk about a broken family, above all when there are children –for example, when the father goes to another woman or the mother goes to another man. When it happens, I remember the pain of the Virgin Mary, watching her Son insulted and beat up; but she resisted to see Him on the Cross. She never left Him. Joseph neither left Him.
A family must be a great TEAM, in order to take forward a difficult but exciting project, full of emotions, as in football --I remember when, before Spain won the European Cup, one of the players of the Spanish National Team said, on TV, that "one of the secrets they had to win was that all of them formed a close-knit team, because they were friends, on and off the field”. Surely, therefore, among other things, they have won the European Cup and the World Cup--.
When a family is united, you can see harmony in the environment, especially when there are children: they are very sensitive and harmony gives them security and balance to their emotions and to their behavior.
In Spain, these days we have been talking about the new Law on abortion and I think this new law, which in short is a "cry" for Life --which I think is a natural law, not a religious one-- , this struggle --in favour of Life-- is a "flight to Egypt" ("Huida a Egipto") --because the Holy Family fled to Egypt, in order that the King Herod would not find Jesus, who was still a child, and then he could not kill Him, after the order he gave to kill all children under 2 years old--. When I listen on tv to a girl or a woman, who defends abortion, I think that the demon is behind it, who wants to destroy family and also Life. So I feel sorry for those who think that life is easier, sideline a broken family or killing a life, which has not yet had the opportunity to defend itself.

"Huida a Egipto", by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1645, at The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit (Michigan, USA)
Well, I want to congratulate to all those couples, who being aware of the difficulties of living together, assume the nice challenge of bringing a family up and also to all those women, who do not fall into the trap of killing a life, in order to not deal the difficulties, after the birth.
This is my reflection on this Christmas time and I wanted to share it with all of you.
Till soon, kind regards,
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