Today I want to talk to you about some words, that we use in Spanish but they come from Andalussia.
The first word is: “Alikindoi”. It is used, when you tell someone, for example: “Be still”, “Be quiet”, then in Andalussia you say: “Be alikindoi”. Alikindoi comes from this anecdote: the British sailors told workers of the ports of Malaga and Cadiz: "Look and do it" and the Andalusian workers said: "Alikindoi".
Another word, --but this one comes from the Arab--, is: "Almanaque" (Almanac).In Andalussia, we say Almanaque, bu, in the rest of Spain, it is said: “Calendario" (Calendar).In Arab it is: al-manakh (climate), that reflects its original purpose, used for agriculture, where provided information about seasons and climate.
A funny word so used in Andalussia is: “Aguja palá”; it is used when you talk about the fish named “Pez Espada” (Swordfish). This is the explanation: when you go to buy “Pez espada”, you ask for “Aguja palá”, because this fish has a big sword before it, in its mouth, the you want to ask for a fish that has asword forwards.
Another word is: “Aljofifa”, that means “Bayeta” (Baize).
Also “Alcachofa” (Artichoke) comes from the Arab.
Another expression so used is: “Ancá”; it means “A casa de…” (To someone´s home….), for example: “Voy ancá Juan” (I am going to John´s home).
I can not translate the word “Botijo”, named “Búcaro” in Andalussia, but I can tell you that it is a container for drinking water.

Botijo,by Dando uina vuelta, at
Another curious word is: “Menester”; it means: “Necessary”.
A so funny word is: “Chingua”, that comes from “Chewing gum”.
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed.
Till soon, kind regards,
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