The Gamification is to know what is there in video games that makes them so attractive, to apply in other environments as Education, Business, Sport, etc..; i.e. what we can learn from a video game, to make more attractive Education, to work in a Company, playing sport, etc. This is what Juan Valera (a Professional of Human Resources, Labour and Social Psychologist and Discloser in Gamification), explains in his book: "Gamification in Business".
Juan also says that, in Nature, animals learn playing, since they are very small, because playing is the best way to learn. So, the videogame improves children in decision making, creative thinking, helps coordination; ie, it has many benefits.
John says that the Motivation is associated with Gamification, because Motivation is what makes a person think through making. And that is how good the game, which allows us to repeat some moves, thanks to the game, because without the game, we should not do them.
He also talks about the Gamification into Companies and in the social environment. Then, he says that it is very interesting the application of the Gamification in the social environment. For example he talks about the known driver's license points.This is very effective, because people strive more to maintain something that they have than to win something that they have not.It seems to be more positive than to put fines.The idea is to learn driving well, without losting points.
What happens with video games is that they are designed to keep the games unfinished; so, we need to keep playing.It happens, because we do not like to leave things without finishing.
John says that the Gamification is not only for big companies, but also for little companies, even you can apply it at your home –in this sense, he says he has applied it with his daughter--; he says that it is very interesting for children, for their education, for their behavior.For example, John asked a girl for writing a number 400 times. Then, he asked her so: “You are not able to do it in ten minutes” and…..the girl was so stimulated to challenge, that she wrote the number very quickly…..
It seems to be so interesting.I feel it very positive. Do you like the idea?
Till soon, kind regards,
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