As you know, the last night February 25, from Tuesday to Wenesday, Paco de Lucía left us in this Life. But I do not want to write about the sad new, that you know very well unfortunately.
I want to express my sorrow, yet my hope, remembering the human and almost divine dimension of this artist such universal.
Paco was born in Algeciras –as I did--.Therefore, I feel proud myself.
Paco´s body has been brought to the town hall of Algeciras (Cádiz, South of Spain).This picture is located front of the facade of the Town Hall of Algeciras.

Down this picture, you could sign on a book of condolences for the family, all these days:

Paco was shy and simple --despite his artistic name out in the name of his mother (Lucia)-- and so he wanted to be called Francisco Sanchez; he was so timid and he did not like fame. Therefore, I want to make a personal tribute, highlighting his personal qualities; for that, I have noticed in his hands –-and above all his left hand, because, one day, he said that, when he was a child, he was taught to put the fingers of that hand, so that the guitar sound good--.

Paco had hands of an artist, like the Jesus Christ´s hands, who created to Adam and Eve, as His image and likeness. Also God wanted to give Paco two special hands, two hands of a creator. Paco had no study; but that was not an obstacle to creating music, as God intended. Because God uses us to build His Kingdom of love and brotherhood. In this sense, Paco found a great support in his biological father, who taught him to use a guitar, when Paco was 7 years old, because his father could not give Paco some studies, a career. His father taught him discipline, effort and Paco knew how to use it. And Paco also helped other artists.
But, although he was a genius, he played guitar as Francisco: he played with the depths of his heart more, as you can see on this picture:

Paco de Lucia by Alberto Cabello, at
Also sometimes he was able to smile, while he was playing the guitar:
Paco de Lucia by Alberto Cabello, at
And other times he was excited, because he always had many emotions inside:
Paco de Lucia by Alberto Cabello, at
And he was a good person.
From now on, we will miss him, but we have his music and two monuments in Algeciras --this is one of them--:

Paco de Lucia en Algeciras, by desde mi ventana se ve la playa, at
I want to share with you a music by Paco titled "Callejón del Muro", which is a very our street, in the center of Algeciras:
And I hope to meet him in the other Life --where surely he shall have a face full of light, as in this picture-- :

Rest in peace, Francisco !.
Till soon, kind regards,
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