Two days ago I have just seen a new that payed my attention: The farm “The Almoraima” is on sale. Then, I remembered a post that I published about The Almoraima in 2009. I looked for it and, when I found it, I could see that it was without pictures; I remember that over those days, Eye On Spain had any trouble with the website; surely therefore my pictures were disappeared; but I do not know what happened.
Then, by the way of this new of the sale of La Almoraima, I want to show you that post, but with those pictures, that were disappeared. This is the post, please click down here:
Here you have the translation:
Isabel Ugalde (The Manager of The Almoraima) explains the terms of the sale of this famous farm:
Isabel: “The estate has a famous reserve, privately owned reserve of the Almoraima is famous; but you are who have put us on the market ….; that is the good part of the Mass Media sometimes. The first article in El Pais, the first one that was done, brought itself to a lot of people who called and things, that you the Mass Media do, attract people. There is much focus placed in Spain,right now, on investment level, almost excessive; people I know, who are in the world of investment banking, are almost afraid of wanting there to buy Spain, whatever --and buy Spain is to buy everything: from businesses to Funds until pieces .... No, it is that it is cheap (Spain), is that it is cheap, it is not for sale, it is that it is cheap and someone to put an attractive thing it is hard to resist, Is not it?”.
Well, and now I am going to give you the link of the post, that I published in 2009. Please click down here:
I hope that you have liked this new post.
Till soon, kind regards,
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