-Today I want to share with you a very important chapter of the Television program "Comando Actualidad" about stem cells.
The use of stem cells is very important, since it is a natural method, no side effects, but still is experimental efficiency, are already getting some progress. And today I want to show you some of them, with this video. Please click below:
Silvia Sánchez: “The research in advanced therapies is, according to experts, the future of Medicine, which is to create drugs with cells and tissues of the patient himself. Andalusia, with 22 clinical trials underway, led this research”……………………………
Silvia: “May I get in?. Good morning, How are you, Mary?”
Mary: “Very well”
Silvia: “What will they make you?”
Mary: “Right now, I am going down to the surgery, they will extract blood blood to extract stem cells ....”
Silvia: “You are diabetic”
Mary: “Yes”
Silvia: “The problem is that it does not circulate blood well. And what will happen when they put the cells, which have been removed from .... "
Mary: “But, the arteries leave them as a "little children", therefore they are called stem cells, and these "children" are those that improve circulation. Formerly, many people would coraban feet cause of diabetes. And putting this one to me, there is the half possibility to happen that”
Silvia: “Dr. Herrera: You are the Director of the Unit of Cellular Therapy of the “Reina Sofía Hospital”, in Córdoba. What will you do today with Maria?”
Dr. Herrera: “Well, first, we are going to remove the patient's bone marrow, which is that we will then use for her treatment”
Silvia: “The same patient is cured with his own body”
Dr. Herrera: “Really. Under European law, the cells are drug. It is the window of Regenerative Medicine”
Silvia: “That is the famous bone marrow”
Dr. Herrera: “That is the bone marrow….; many people confuse it with spinal cord ....”
Silvia: “bone marrow is removed from the bone”
Dr. Herrera: “bone marrow is removed from the bone”
Silvia: “How much bone marrow have we?”
Dr. Herrera: “Uhhh, so very much….Always, in Clinical Research, it begins at instances, of course, that they have no solution. So this is a patient in that there is no kind of solution. The rate of leg amputations in these patients is so high. And, as we are convinced that they will benefit from treatment, we request authorization from the Medicines Agency and Ethics Committees and we are allowed with the "compassionate use"”
Silvia: “And the compassionate use is….”
Dr. Herrera: “It is to use the same treatment than we should do in a clinical trial, but out of the clinical trial and in a manner that can not be used clinically normal, because we have not yet completed the pilot phase”
Silvia: “Here the Maria´s bone marrow goes”
Dr. Herrera: “Here the Maria´s bone marrow goes, which we are going to carry to the laboratory for processing it and, in two or three hours, we will have prepared it to be able to put it to Mary ..... Shot, here you have it..... well ..... Take care of it”
Silvia: “This is the machine that will separate what is useful than what is not useful”
Dr. Herrera: “It is so”
Silvia: “It is like creating drugs a la carte”
Dr. Herrera: “Yes, yes”
Silvia: “So I have heard ... it seems the panacea; but I still understand that you have to be cautious”
Dr. Herrera: “Very cautious. We have shown, for sure, that the procedure is safe, ie, it has no side effects; but we have not shown, yet, the effectiveness, we have indications of effectiveness. The biomedical research is very expensive; however, I think it is an investment,it is not an expense. If we can show that we can prevent the amputation of a leg, the process will be much cheaper than all the functional recovery: the prosthesis and all, only in economic terms”.
Silvia: “It has been four hours since they extracted a part of her bone marrow to Mary. Now is the time to transfer the cells have reached to her veins”
Anesthetist: “This is for you to stay a little more quiet, All right?”
Silvia: “Those are the cells of Mary herself, now you are going to infuse”
Anesthetist: “This is .. the arteries, which are theoretically well, and what we are releasing the cells from the knee so that the knee down, begin to form new vessels”
Nurse: “Do not force, do not force…”
Anesthetist: “Still leave it the arm”
Silvia: “Antonio Chacón: you are the cardiovascular doctor, who has treated and treats María del Valle, during this time, and who has convinced to undergo this test”
Dr. Chacón: “We have managed to keep her legs and her mobility, all this time, and we also have an option for the future. Within a few months, she will have some new arteries in her legs”
Silvia: “What is not a few thing………………”
Dr. Chacón: “It is essential ... that is a Spanish pure research ... Right now, our series, the series that we have in our hospital is the most important worldwide; we have over a hundred cases made by a route, which is the first to be made and this has made us to share this experience with other countries and right now that is the story”
Anesthetist: “We have done the infusion and we can only compress. So be quiet, that we ended”
Silvia: “Stem cells also are being used to treat heart attacks: in 2002, in this hospital there was the first transfusion of cells from one patient to his infarcted heart”
Silvia: “Doctor Suárez de Lezo: you were the doctor who transferred stem cells to the heart of Manuel, in the year 2007”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “Yes”
Silvia: “How is he?”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “But, we are now doing a routine scan, but its evolution has been really good”
Silvia: “How are you, Manuel?”
Manuel: “Me?, stupendously”
Silvia: “¡Yes?!”
Silvia: “Are you all right?”
Manuel: “Yes”
Silvia: “A case like Manuel makes you have data for further research?”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “Of course. Of course….Manuel confirmed the findings that we had in a previous study”
Silvia: “You confirm that the stem cells work”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “They work, although we do not know how they do it. However,….ffffff.. State agencies follow asking a lot level of demand in the knowledge”
Silvia: “Why?”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “But I do not know….That is the problem”
Silvia: “Are there economic interests behind?”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “What happens: a drug that the own patient has is good for the Pharmaceutical Industry?....What do you think about this question?”
Dr. Suarez de Lezo: “The tension is good: you have 13,8”
Well, here the video finished.
I hope this method can help many people all over the world and I also hope that all Goverments can give much money for research.
Till soon, kind regards,
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