A team of experts from the European Commission (EC) has been discussing, during the 9th and 10th of April, the situation of R + D + i through the Spanish called “European Research Area Committee (ERAC) peer review”, as reported by the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos, in the Senate.
The group of nine experts from five countries of the European Union (Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France and Sweden), four independent and two representatives of the EC, has held meetings with representatives of the Spanish R + D + i. Its recommendations, according to the minister, "they will serve the implementation of the Agency for Research and improve our system of science as a whole", as SINC collected.
The visit took place at the initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and aims to improve support tools for R + D + I, to respond effectively to the needs of industry players (researchers, universities, public research centers form and companies), said this organization, in a statement.
This initiative aims to ensure that carried out the objectives of the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation, adopted in February 2013, by adopting measures, reforms or adjustments required to strengthen the effectiveness of the system Spanish R + D + i.
On April 9, the experts were received by the Secretary of State for R + D + i, Carmen Vela. They then conducted a series of interviews with representatives of government, both the Central Government and the Autonomous Communities.
On Thursday 10 April, the European expert group met with representatives of the public research centers and research institutes, universities, researchers and companies, just like associations and technology centers.
A Chemical lady in the laboratory
It is expected that these interview sessions continue next June, when the broad spectrum of agents, that make the system complete, indicates the ministry.
"The conclusions of the experts and their indications, --added these sources-- contain a great value, since they rely on the experiences, that they have had in each of their countries and of specific measures that have been implemented and evaluated".
The ministry will report findings in the coming months and will include the recommendations in the National Reform Programme of the Government in 2015. "All the Autonomous Communities will participate in this exercise, which may prove very useful to increase collaboration, seeking greater synergies and eliminate duplications and dispersions in the field of R + D + i. The government is particularly proactive in this sense, so maintaining a dialogue with the CCAA", concludes the institution.
I hope that Research and Development in Spain follow been good, for Europe and for all the world.
Till next time, kind regards,
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