A basque company is studying climatic changes, that we are experiencing today, to prevent potential negative consequences, for the foreseeable future.
Here, I bring you a video, where it is explained very well. Please click down here:
Voice in off: “Paradisiacal images, like these, could soon go down in History. The outlook for Trinidad and Tobago, two islands in the Caribbean, is that there will be more hurricanes, more droughts and many beaches will be destroyed; but experts say that the government is in time to act and even to give them an approximate cost of measures”
Zaloa Ares (Senior Consultan of “Factor CO2): “With an estimated cost of 600 million Euros, in adaptation measures, Trinidad and Tobago would have a profit of about 300 million Euros; ie: the adaptation to climate change imply stop spending money, to future”
Voice in off: “Adaptation measures, such as this, which has already implemented RENFE in Spain: they use the energy released by the train, when braking, to put at the disposal of their users, who want to charge an electric car; climate change is part of their business strategy”
Itxaso Gómez (Area Director of Consulting of “Factor CO2): “There may be major accidents, major collapses ... For example it was found that also in rail transport, temperature changes will also affect the tracks”
Voice in off: “The Government commissioned a report from this Basque company, a pioneer in analyzing the consequences of climate change. The results say that, in Spain, it will affect many sectors”
Susana Magro (Director of the Spanish Office of Climate Change): “For example, we know that companies such as vineyards, in this case who are working with us, and are looking for new areas of cultivation, planting arise at different times of year…”
Voice in off: “Many of the changes are inevitable; but to others, we are still in time to find a solution”
Well, some few weeks ago, unfortunately, we could see in Spain a so hard almost hurricane. I hope this company can help us and another countries, all over the world.
Till soon, kind regards,
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