Today, I want to bring you some spanish words invented or so long.
The first word, perhaps you have ever heard it. This is: “Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso”. It appeared in the film “Mary Poppins”, in 1964. But the song was not named so, but “Chim chim cher-ee”. In Spain, it was one of the longer words –with 32 letters--.
A funny and invented word, in Spanish, is: “Moñada” and another one related is “Moñaabrazo” = ”Bowhug”. “Moña” is a bow, but it is also used for talking about a silly man or something similar.Then, “Moñada” is while acting as a “Moña”.
Another invented and nice word is “Engentarse”. It comes from “Gente” (People). Then, “Engentarse” means “Solidarity, engaging, filled with people”.
Another word, invented by a spanish radio listener, is: “Teletexica”. He says this word does not exist in the Spanish Dictionary; but he invented it when a young woman friend of him saw some things, that he and other friend did not see, during an outing through some mountains of the Northern Spain.
A worker in a bank, has told that once he invented a word to name a key that was used for the retardation of the safe. The word was: “Pirindongo”.
Another Spanish invented word is: “Quiquichico”, that means “Little boy”.
I hope that you have enjoyed with all those words. If you kow any other, please tell us.
Till soon, kind regards,
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