This is a typical dish from the kooking of Aragon.
Beans , one of the first plants cultivated by man, have some very similar nutritional characteristics to peas, because they mainly contain vitamins B and C , carotene, calcium and phosphorus. They appear, on the market, at the same time than the spring, in all its forms, whether the tender grain and grenades. In any case, they must have strongly and rigid sheath, with no very marked grains. Note that the threshing lose weight, so an approximate amount per person is between 400 and 500 grams , a more than generous helping. To ensure its preservation, it is preferable to put them in the refrigerator, for 2-3 days, but it is always preferable to consume right after purchase. Perfectly allowed freezing and can be worked in a thousand ways. Sauteed with ham , omelette , in a good stew or in garrisons , beans can become part of many tasty dishes. Only note that, depending on the grain size, it requires more or less time to cook.

The plant of beans
Today, I am going to give you the recipe of “Beans with ham.
These are the ingredients, for 4 persons: 800 grams of beans, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 grams of ham, olive oil, a bunch of parsley, Baking Soda and Salt.
The first thing is to wash beans; thereupon, you have to cut off the ends and shelling beans, but without breaking the pods.
Put in a pan two quarts of salted water over high heat; breaks while boiling, prepare a deep bowl with water, salt and ice. When the water reaches the boiling point, put a pinch of baking soda and baking first pods, about seven minutes, until tender; Once they are cooked, you remove them with a slotted spoon and cool them in the cold bath. Repeat the operation with the little broad beans; but, instead of seven, five minutes. Remove the vegetables from the cold water, dry them well and reserve.
In a large skillet, add oil to heat; when ready, add the chopped ham in small cubes, stir it and add the garlic. Before it takes much color, add the pods and beans, that we had booked, and saute, vigorously, for a couple of minutes, until the vegetables take a bit of color.
To show the result, in four dinner plates, we place piles of beans with chopped parsley panties and threw up; But if we want, we can prepare a green oil, parsley and oil grinding, in a glass blender and we put sauce around the beans.
And this one must be the result:

Beans with calzones
Well, I hope that you have liked this recipe and you want to try it.Please tell me if you get it.
Till soon, kind regards,
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