Here, I bring you some nice spanish children riddles. I hope that you like them. Please, try to guess them, before you read the solutions in my next post.
45. Tengo nombre de animal, I have a name of an animal,
cuando la rueda se pincha, whe flat tyre,
me tienes que utilizar. You have to use me.
46. Todos me quieren para descansar, Everyone wants me to rest,
¡¡si ya te lo he dicho!!, if I have already told you it!!,
no pienses más. do not think more.
47. Te la digo y no me entiendes, I tell you it and you do not understand me,
Te la repito y no me comprendes. I repeat you it and you do not grasp me.
48. Soy ave y soy llana, I am a bird and I am flat,
pero no tengo pico ni alas. but I have no peak either wings.
49. Me gustaria ser un tigre, pero no tengo su altura, = I would like to be Tiger, but I have not its height,
Cuando oigas un “miau”, lo adivinarás sin duda. = When you hear a “meou” you will guess it without doubt.
50. Llevo dinero y no soy banquero, I carry money and I am not a banker,
papel o metal, lo que sea me da igual. paper or metal, whatever I do not care.
51. Redondo soy, como un pander, Round I am, like a tambourine,
quien me tome en verano, que use sombrero. who take me in summer, wear a hat.
52. Es pequeña como una pera, It is small like a pear,
pero alumbra la casa entera. but it illuminates the entire home.
53. En rincones y entre ramas In corners and between branches
mis redes voy construyendo, I am going building my networks,
para que moscas incautas in order that unwary flies,
en ellas vayan cayendo. go falling therein.
54. Y lo es And it is,
Y lo es and it is
y no lo adivinarás and you will not guess it,
aunque te dé en un mes. although it gives you in one month.
Well, please wait until I put my next post, with the solutions to these riddles.
Till soon, kind regards,
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