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Manufacture of the first folding bike helmet in Spain
Thursday, May 29, 2014 @ 12:01 PM

       This morning, spoke on the radio, a young Engineer from Valencia, who has participated in the design of the first folding bike helmet world. In this project, participated Engineers Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV) and the Spanish company CLOSCA. They have had to seek financial support from the United States to market the event in series; and finally, they began selling last December. This helmet is called MORPHER and costs 62 Euros.

       Already they have patent to sell in Europe, USA and Canada.

       If you want, you can visit their website. Click here below:

      The inventor of this helmet is Jeff Woolf (a very famous inventor in Great Britain). If you want, you can watch a video, where he explains very well how this helmet works. Please click here below:

      Well, I hope this Project has a very good success.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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