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An special Feria in the South of Spain
Monday, June 30, 2014 @ 7:45 PM

         I have said “An special feria…”, because we, who were born in Algeciras, are named “Special people”.

      The last days, from 21 to 28 of June, has been celebrated “The Feria of Algeciras” (in the province of Cadiz).

      Now, I am going to explain you the main parts of the Feria.

      First, the Council asks some painter, from Algeciras or near, to create a poster, to advertise the forthcoming Fair.

The Major, Jose Ignacio Landaluce, in the presentation of the poster about the Fair of Algeciras 2014, by Maria de los Angeles Arias Bernal


      At the same time, they start to choose the young Queen and Ladies of Honor of the Fair. This year, the Queen was named Irene Mata. And her Ladies of Honor were: Macarena de los Reyes, Patricia Jimenez, Laura Rubio, Irene Gomez, Fanny Estevez, Irene King, Luz Maria Rodriguez and Helia Garcia.

Irene Mata  (the young Queen) with her Ladies of Honor

      They also choose the Child Queen and her Ladies of Honor. This year, the Queen has been: Paola Rivera. And her Ladies were: Carmen Fernandez, Natalia Virués, Mireya Acedo, Safa Aqdi el Morabet, Paula Arranz, Lucía Torrejón, Irene Cabrera and Silvana Guerrero.

The Chil Queen and her Ladies of Honor

      Another very important part of the Fair, for women, is the regional costume, named “Traje de gitana” or “Traje de Flamenca” or “Traje de Faralaes”. It is usually a long dress; but, this year, I have seen some shorts.

Regional costumes (Trajes de gitana or Traje de Faralaes)

      Another typical thing is the Lantern Fair (Farolillo), to decorate the stand, where dancing Flamenco, or even the streets in the Fair.

Farolillos made of paper

A street with farolillos

      Some days before starts the Fair, it is celebrated the named “Pregón”, where a known character in Algeciras talks about our town. This year the “Pregón” has been given by Juan Carlos Chavez.

Juan Carlos Chavez

      You go to the Fair in the morning.

Some stands in the morning

      If you go in the morning or in the night, you can eat in a “Caseta” (stand) and you can ask some plates, as you can see in this picture:

Some plates of dish into a stand

      And then, you can dance Flamenco:


      But if you prefer to go at night, you will find a very large door (Fachada = Façade):

The Façade this year

      And if you go up to the Fair, you will have this view:


      This is what I did, the last Saturday night, when the Fair was finishing, in order to see better the named “Fuegos artificiales” (Fireworks):



      Well, I hope that you can come next year, to enjoy this Fair.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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