The last month, I could watch on tv a news about old people, that I liked, and I want to share it with you. If you want to know this news, please click here below:
Bernabé Sánchez-Minguet (Voice in of): “These are patients with advanced disease, from the Care Centre "Laguna" in Madrid; like them, there are 125,000 in Spain. Music, they say, helps them get distracted and forget, for a moment, their health problems”
A lady from the Centre: “It gives you a well-being, a joy ... I do not know”
A lord: “It encourages one slightly…”
Another lady: “It gives you joy get life”
Bernabé: “Volunteer musicians are part of the therapy. In this centre --one of the two hospitals, specialized in Palliative Care in Spain—they have more than 50; they devote their time to those who no longer have”
Eduardo Hernandez (Volunteer): “What differentiates to play in front of this people than to play in front .... in a room or at a concert? ...... but this fills you much more”
Bernabé: “To sing, clap or just listening music has shown benefits, in addition to a study by this Centre”
Borja Múgica (Psychologist of Social Work of La Caixa in the Hospital Laguna): “It was found that over 60% of patients improved mood ...., improved mood, improved fatigue and improved the perception of pain”
Bernabé: “Initiatives like this one, argue the phrase by Berliov: "Music and love are the two wings of the soul"
Well, I hope that you have liked this project, such as I do.
Till soon, kind regards,
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