Today, I want to share with you some funny phrases, said by spanish children.I am going to take these phrases from a book, tittled: "Nuevas frases célebres de niños", by EL HORMIGUERO (it is a tv program, where sometimes they show somefunny phrases, like these); Publisher: TEMAS DE HOY. I should like that you buy this book, because all the profit from its sale goes to the Spanish Federation of Cystic Fibrosis.On their behalf, thank you for your help.
Well, these are some phrases, that I have chosen:
Eric, 3 años:
Eric estaba muy inquieto, mientras veia un festival de baile, en el que actuaba su hermana. Como su tio sabía que, cuando come Eric, esta tranquilo, fue a buscarle una hamburguesa. Cuando llegó la comida, su tio le hizo un truco de magia y le sacó la hamburguesa de detrás de la oreja. Cuando llevaba media hamburguesa, Eric se quedó pensando y le dijo: "Tio, haz magia otra vez y sácame unas patatas!".
Eric, 3 years old:
Eric was very restless, while watching a dance festival,where his sister was acting. As his uncle knew that when Eric is eating, he is quiet, he went to get a burger. When the food arrived, his uncle made him a magic trick and pulled the hambuger from behind the ear. When Eric had half a burger, he was thinking and said: "Uncle, do magic again and throw some potatoes for me".
Pedro, 8 años:
Estaban hablando Pedro y su tia del bebé , que iban a adoptar ella y el tio. Pedro le preguntó de dónde iba a venir el bebé. La tia le respondió que de Etiopía; y, entonces, Pedro dijo: "No puede ser, tia, eso no es un país, es una enfermedad de los ojos!".
Pedro, 8 years old:
Peter and his aunt were talking about the baby, who she and the uncle were going to adopt. Peter asked where the baby was coming. The aunt replied that Ethiopia; and then Peter said: "It can not be, aunt, that is not a country, it is a disease of the eyes!"
Mónica, 4 años:
Estaba su madre explicandole las restas: "A ver, Mónica: en el colegio te dan tres caramelos y te quitan dos. ¿Cual es la solución?". Y Mónica contestó: "¡Pues que se lo digo a la profe!".
Mónica, 4 years old:
Her mother was telling her the subtraction: "Let's see, Monica: at school they give you three candies and removes two What is the solution.?". And Monica replied, "Well, I tell the teacher".
Iván, 6 años:
Ivan le dijo a su madre: "Mamá, ¿Te puedo decir un secreto?: tengo novia". "Pero Ivan, todavia eres muy pequeño", le contestó ella. E Iván cargado de razón, le dijo: "Bueno, así tengo la faena hecha".
Iván, 6 years old:
Ivan told his mother: "Mom, I can tell you I have a secret girlfriend?". "But Ivan, are still very young", she replied. And Ivan, laden reason, said: "Well, so I have the job done".
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed with this phrases, but above all I hope that you can buy the book. If you want, you can entire in this two web sites:
Till next time, hind regards,
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