For several centuries, Spain has been a "cradle" for many foreigners, with other cultures and diverse backgrounds. For example, in the second century BC, the Romans settled very near Tarifa, next to the one we know today as Beach of Bolonia; and there, they built a city of 2,000 inhabitants, which they called "Baelo Claudia". And as the Romans, we were visited by other cultures, in Cordoba, Granada, etc.
But today --and exactly in Tarifa-- we have seen other cradle: a cot that the members of the Red Cross have prepared for a baby, just only 7 months old, who crossed the Strait, in a boat made of plastic and without her parents. Yes, on a little and flimsy plastic boat, like our kids use to play on the beach .... But she has not used it for fun, but to seek her freedom and progress, endangering her own life.
She is a beautiful girl and her deep black eyes have won the hearts of we all, who have seen her on television. Her innocent eyes, unawares of the wickedness of those who do business with people, who dreams of a better world and risk their lives in the attempt; unawares of the political differences of the adults; unawares of bureaucratic errors, allowing her to leave from the arms of her parents, on a trip so dangerous. She does not understand that the Southern Spain --to where, for a mystery of life, she has arrived this morning--, has become the door of Hope Europe. She just wants to eat, sleep and laugh, because she is a girl ..., . it does not matter where she comes from.

Surely, she has never dreamed of being a Princess; but, for us, she is a Princess. And that is the name that the members of the Red Cross have thought for her.
Right now, Princess must be sleeping, in what the volunteers of the Red Cross have, so carefully, prepared for her: her Cot of Hope.
I congratulate all members of the Red Cross, involved in rescuing immigrants (adults and children, like Princess), because they make me feel proud to have a Red Cross, so ready, in my country.
Till my next post, kind regards,
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