I have just found a video, where a young lady, who is Nutritionist, explains some properties of Spanish food. If you want to watch this video, please click here below:
Carla (the presenter): “Would you eat meat of colt?”
A sir: “Yes!”
Carla: “Why?”
The sir: “Because I think that it is a meat with an outstanding quality”
Yolanda Santiuste (Biologist): “The colt is one of the most excellent meats, at a nutritional level, at the level of minerals it has, its protein level ........... An animal, that is released, when digest, it is much more digestive than an animal, that is, let us say, in a feedlot, which eats only feed .... To tell a meat that has run, running, as we might say….the meat is a little bit dark”
Carla: “And pineapples, coming from Costa Rica?”
A lady: “No, no, no…”
A fruit seller: “Old people do not like pineapples”
Carla: “Why?”
Fruit seller: “Because pineapple is a product, which has come, commercially well ..., about 15 years ago”
Yolanda Santiuste: “But pineapple has an enzyme, very interesting, because it helps to improve digestion ...... If you have an injury and need to heal a knee, we must heal a foot or anything, that has failed, let us say, pineapple is going to help us to clear the area ..., it is anti-inflammatory”
Another lady: “Hakes are phenomenal………..It is the best thing, thant ypu can eat, when you are delicate and old”
Yolanda Santiuste: “A fish that has many properties, we can choose “Hake” ...... If somebody has a difficulty for digestion, it would be a type of fish, that is easy to digest .......we need Omega 3, Omega 6 and, in the case of hake, it is very well balanced. It can be grilled, it can be cooked in the oven ..., provided that we do not exceed 120 degrees, because if not, the proteins will be damaged and no longer be nutritious”
A third lady: “He serves me eggs, which have until 2 yolks”
Yolanda: “Egg has properties, both in clear and in the yolk; in the clear, especially, thanks to a protein, needed to transport things by blood. And, in the yolk, we will find: Vitamin D, we will find Omega 3, Omega 6 --which is necessary—“.
Carla: “Of these vegetables, What you think having more properties?”
A sir (probably a husband): “The broccoli!”
Carla: “The broccoli. And the garlic?”
A fourth lady (probably the last sir´s wife): “I do not stew without garlic and onion. A lot of garlic; today I have taken a whole head of garlic, in the stew”
Yolanda: “If we have a parasite, whatever it is: either a virus, a bacteria or even an intestinal worm, garlic is going to come in handy ... If you have parasites, you have to take it raw and take few more garlic better .... and if we want to detoxify and help circulation, we have to take it as it is cooked”
The fourth lady: “And who goes after to street?...and I do: Ja!”
Carla: “What do we do to eliminate breath?”
Yolanda: “Well, you can, we can say, camouflage: you can take mint (menta) leaves, mint (hierbabuena)..... and camouflage the smell .... Then, start the day with a clove of garlic, it would be wonderful”.
Well, I hope that you have liked this post, such as I did. Now I am going to search another news, about Spain, for you.
Till soon, kind regards,
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