Today I want to show you a preview of the fourth album, by a singer from Málaga, who I love, Vanesa Martin. If you want to see some of the video clip, please click below:
Eva Mora (Voice in off): “To Vanesa Martín, life is a dance of emotions and thus is what she transmits in his latest work, “Crónica de un baile” ("Chronicle of a dance").
Vanesa Martín (Singer and Composer): “All that story on this disc may have happened, perfectly, at a dance: the approach, the nerves, overcoming the risk ..., success ... to get what you want and ... occasionally, farewell ...”
Eva Mora: “At age 6, she was given her first guitar and, since then, she continued to compose. Her other passion is animals and, in particular, dogs; hence, her commitment to the protective”
Vanesa: “In the first videoclip, that I have recorded, “Sin saber por qué” ("Without knowing why"), which is the theme, with that we submit "Chronicle of a dance", I have gotten some dogs, from the protective, for people who watchthe videoclip and feel like ..... those dogs can be adopted”.
Eva Mora: “Vanesa now begins a Tour through Spain and then, will continue to advance through Argentina, Chile and Mexico, convinced that "dance is to live and you have to live to tell it and sing it".
Well, I like the Vanesa style, because she loves dogs and singing and I think that dogs have soul and Vanesa gives soul to her guitar.
I hope that you likes her music, such as I do and I also hope that you can buy her fourth disc “Crónica de un baile”.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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