Do you remember that, last February 25, I was at the Sorolla´s House-Musum, in Madrid?. But although I love the Sorolla´s painting and I wanted to take many pictures of his House-Museum, I did not take any picture, in the temporary exhibition, called "Fiesta and color", because there was very little light in the room.
Well, this morning I have had a pleasant surprise: the Director of the National Ballet of Spain, Antonio Najarro, was being interviewed, on the radio, and he was talking about his new show, "Sorolla".
Indeed, in February, we were able to see the art of Sorolla, in his Museum. But now we can also enjoy its light and color differently: through the Spanish Dance and at the Canal Theatre, in Madrid.
The idea, for this show, was born when Antonio Najarro visited the "Vision of Spain", in which there are pictures by Joaquín Sorolla, depicting customs of different areas of the Spain collection.
In the interview, Antonio explained that: "I feel very identified with his painting, by its light, its brightness, its color .... which are traits that I always look for in order to choreograph the Spanish Dance". He has also said: "We also wanted to create a show, in which we could replace much of our folklore, that is much neglected and even obsolete. I wanted to retrieve a vanguard for the public, to see that you can put it on the scene, on a very modern way".
And for that, he went to France in search of Franco Dragone, the Theater Director, who has launched 10 performances of Cirque du Soleil and "It has always struck me his use of color, light and transitions, between act and act, and I wanted beautiful transitions”, said Antonio.
The dancer and choreographer also states that "the public loves our dance, want to know what is happening in our folklore and to foreign audiences to make them to discover that there is more than flamenco, in Spain, it is very satisfying".
So his goal was, from the beginning, "to launch a picture, to present, as a great production, the lesser known dances and especially update".
Antonio says that "Dance gets the viewer into the paintings". He also says that "everything is done with full respect to the bases of the Dance and Folklore". Without realizing it, the audience will move from one region to another one, in Spain, and from alone to very energetic dances group, corals and very intenses. This is the case of the Aragonese Jota or the Basque Aurresku. "It is a very physical show, the dancer ends up exhausted, because they are hard dances; in fact, we have had several injuries, especially physical fatigue", Antonio says.
You can also see Salamancan dances, Catalan Sardana, Bolero, Classical Spanish dance and Flamenco music in live. "They are represented all the people of Spain, tambourine, castanets, with their customs and I love that", says Najarro, who acknowledges that the assembly has done with "maximum respect for tradition, attached to a staging cutting edge, that makes you feel inside a painting by Sorolla".
To pass the light of Sorolla to the Dance, a comprehensive study with Franco Dragone and his team was made. "Both in the ground and in the background there are continuous projections and lighting is totally consistent with these projections".
There is also magic in the locker room, his manager was Nicholas Baudelaire. "He has converted part of the wardrobe, that we had in the ballet, and he created a new one, dyeing fabrics and screen printing on fabric paintings by Sorolla. There are many pieces in which the dancer is totally dressed with Sorolla paintings".
“Sorolla” is supported by the great success,that it achieved, at Matadero Madrid, and you can enjoy it until September-14, at The Theatres at Canal of the capital.
If you want to watch a preview of this show, before going to enjoy it in live or just in case you can not go to Madrid, please click below:
Well, I hope that you have liked this post and enjoyed with the piece of the show.
Until next time, kind regards,
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