Today I liked reading a news, which said: Monago announces an aid of 300 euros per year to all women over 75 years from Extremadura.
I liked this news, because it is aimed at those women, who lived a part of the history of Spain, recent and very hard: the Civil War and the Postwar.
The news talks about women in Extremadura; but I want to remember all the women in Spain, who have sacrificed their lives, raise their families (husbands, children, grandchildren ....), with nobody did a well-deserved recognition of their efforts and their dignity.
So I am glad with this news: because, at least, a politician has given a true value to Democracy in Spain. This gesture is symbolic --in my opinion--, because I think these women deserve more and I could not set a price on dedication; but, at least, it has been done a fair recognition, accompanied by a small economic aid.
The news said the following:
The President of the Government of Extremadura, José Antonio Monago, announced, yesterday, on Sunday, the launch of a permanent aid of 300 euros, per year, to "all women who lived the Spanish war, in Extremadura, war and postwar and, with effort and sacrifice, they also made our Democracy possible and Extremadura today".
An aid to be paid annually, directly or by deduction, to the 35,000 women, from Extremadura, who are more than 75 years, announced the president of Extremadura.

Jose Antonio Monago with a woman from Extremadura
José Antonio Monago made the announcement during his speech, last night, at the official ceremony marking the Day of Extremadura, which took place at the Roman Theatre of Mérida.

The Roman Theatre of Merida
In his speech, Monago stressed that this aid of 300 Euros, each year --whose announcement was greeted with applause, by those attending the event, for these women "is much more than a symbolic measure", but that "it is a matter of dignity, justice and historical memory".
And is that, as it has been reported, during his speech, "if someone wants to really know who we are as a people, it does not need to read it in books", without or that "you just have to approach your grandmother or mother and ask how her life has been".
It is, in the opinion of the President of Extremadura: "a generation of women who were born, grew up and overcame the war and the Postwar period", a time when "all doors for women were to open, especially in rural Extremadura, in which their work was not recognised”.
In fact, "the vast majority of you could not contribute enough", Monago addressed to these older women, despite all their "wages were 24 hours".
"Your biggest investment, after working as much or more than many men, it was always your family", said the President of Extremadura, who added: "Perhaps you dreamed with an easier life, but you never had it and in spite of it, this effort filled you years of life".
Monago praised these women were "superimposed on all difficulties". "Beside your husbands, you follow supporting your children and grandchildren, and many of you do as well, with half of the pension, when your husbands die", added the President of Extremadura, before announcing this permanent aid of 300 euros, for these women.
Well, I hope that the rest of the women in Spain, can receive this tribute a day.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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