I did not know who was Sir Alfred East; but I read a curious story, about his life, and wanted to share it with you, in case you did not know it.
Alfred East was born in Kettering (Northamptonshire, England) in 1949.
His romantic landscapes show the influence of the "School of Barbizon" (The Barbizon School was a group of French painters, gathered around the village of Barbizon, and were part of French Realism, which emerged in reaction to Romanticism painters more formalistic as Gericault or Delacorix).
In 1892, he visited Spain and stayed in Algeciras (Cádiz, Coast of La Luz), where he produced several charming oils and water colors. Although his pictures show some of Gibraltar, it seems that he never actually visited the Rock.
I am going to show you some pictures painted by East, in Algeciras. These pictures are below:

Sir Alfred East self portrait

Gibraltar from Algeciras (1902)

The Arches of El Cobre on the background

The Arches of El Cobre

A part of Algeciras

A dance beside the Arches of El Cobre

A country festival

Some houses in countryside

The Church of La Palma, in the Admiral Square or the Square of the Constitution
According to local resident --Ana Rosa Meana Solis--, in the 1900s, the Algeciras Carnival was celebrated from Sunday to Tuesday before Easter. The climax occurred on the following week-end with the "Domingo de Piñata" and the "Baile de Mascaras", which took place in the Plaza del Almirante o Plaza de la Constitución --today's Plaza Alta--, as shown in the picture up.
Well, this has been the news that I wanted to share with you. I hope that you have enjoyed.
Untill my next post, kind regards,
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