Another Spanish sayings and proverbs 60
Saturday, September 13, 2014 @ 11:40 AM
Today I bring you a very popular saying –although it is still a long time until April--: En Abril, aguas mil = In April, thousand waters.
This proverb expresses what they are normally abundant rainfall in that month. And "because at that time, bread and plants need water", according Covarrubias --Sebastián de Covarrubias studied at Salamanca (1565-1573); he lived there with his uncle-grandfather, the Canon Juan de Covarrubias, in the church of Salamanca. Shortly thereafter, Don Juan resigned in favor of Sebastian, who was a priest. After, he was Felipe II´s chaplain and Canon of the Cathedral of Cuenca. Sebastian was Lexicographer and Writer; he was known, above all, because, in 1611, he wrote a monumental dictionary: "Treasury of the Castilian or Spanish" and it is, in this work, where is the saying that I am showing you today—.

Cathedral of Cuenca
Another similar saying is this one: “Marzo ventoso y Abril lluvioso, sacan a Mayo florid y hermoso” = “Windy March and April showers, bring to May flowery and beautiful”.
Well, I hope that you have liked these sayings, in case of you did not know them.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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