This morning, by chance, I listened an interview, on the radio, to a boy, who has written a book, with his experiences since he is in a wheelchair.
His name is Daniel Stix and he is 17 years old. He is a very positive boy; but, at the same time, very simple, and that has helped him overcome some very difficult situations, simply to overcome them, but enjoying and never feeling better or superior to others himself.
When Daniel was born, doctors told her parents that Daniel had cancer and he only had a 20 percent chance of living, then his mother cried a lot; but, one day, she thought she had to do anything to improve the life of her child.
Daniel love sports –above all those where adrenaline is greater--. Then he started to play Basketball. He plays in the “Fundosa ONCE” team. Daniel says that sport has helped him to overcome many obstacles and that the "desire to excel is essential to overcome the obstacles that life puts you ahead”.

We can see Daniel, with his kit of basketball, on the cover of his book, entitled "Rolling Like It Hot" --which by the way, reminds me of the title of a famous film, "With skirt It Hot", starring Marilyn Monroe--.

But Daniel also likes other sports such as Skiing. Although, he once broke a leg of him. He says his sense of humor helped him to better bear the consequences of that accident.

Although Daniel was cured of Cancer, however he could never walk.
One of the sports that Daniel prefers is the Kite-Surf. And the funny thing is that he and his friends built the special board. By the way of that, his mother also was on the radio and she says that Daniel has got several challenges thanks to several Foundations, because his mother said she could never pay all those activities.

I loved this interview, for two main reasons: because it is a lesson of life, among Daniel and his mother; I mean, it is very important the freedom that Daniel's mother has given him, to choose various adventure sports --in spite of Daniel is a minor (he is only 17 years old)--. She helps him and watches; but she respects his pleasure. Moreover, with this attitude, she is not overprotecting Daniel --and this also helps him. A long time ago, I heard doctors and psychologists said that "it is not good overprotect a disabled"--.
The other reason is because it is a lesson of overcoming. Daniel says that sport has been an instrument to overcome many obstacles in his life.
Daniel has written this book to tell their experiences and in case he can help someone who lacks the same courage, that he put in all that seeks to achieve.In fact, on the cover of the book, you can read a sentence by Daniel, which says: “Si te caes siete veces, levantate ocho” (“If you fall seven times, get up eight”).
I hope that you can buy the book and enjoy it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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