6 days ago (October 15), was signed "The Day of Rural Women", in the world, and I would like to show you a video, with several projects developed in Spain. To view the video, please click on the link below:
You can read: Salutef. Innovation Award for Rural Women.
Voice in off: “She is Annunciation Pérez, a businesswoman from San Martin del Valle, in Palencia, who beted on a cereal: the "teff" “.
Anunciación Pérez (Owner of Salutef): “It is like what we call "mouse tail" .... a very tiny pin and a so little seed, supercomplicated to sow, you have to sow it very shallow”
Voice in off: “She tells us that its origin is Ethiopian, although it is a cereal, whose virtues were known more than 5,000 years ago. Agronomy Engineer, unemployed, she knew this cereal and decided to try it”
Anunciación: “My sister and my family ... and friends have been my "guinea pigs" ... doing well and then .... you tell it ..... and, as you are telling, they say: "Ah, I also want Tef" ...... in the form of flakes or flour, because it ascended the iron level in the blood”.
Voice in off: “They are packing manually ...,they are few people in the village: 30 neighbors, whom this award may give a push”
Anunciación: “A release for the Teff, because ... and that people know ... and two f: teff”
Voice in off: “Saluteff is distributed via Internet”
Now you can read: “Avicola Rioja S.L.” Innovation Award for Rural Women
Voice in off: “Ana Maria and Raquel are two sisters, Graduated in Business Administration, who four years ago decided to take over the family poultry farm ........ From the begining, they beted for moderniseing and making more technical the farm, --precisely the award of the Ministry of Agriculture recognizes that innovation--. Inside the industrial unit, there are colored lights, for relaxation of chickens and adjustable drinkers. The industrial units are air-conditioned and there are humidity and temperature controls”
Ana María Pérez Sáenz (Cattle breeder): “How many cubic meters, per kilo, must enter air for ventilation ...., the approximate weight, water consumption, operating fans, which temperature the computer is asking, what there is and the thermal feeling, which is completely different”
Voice in off: “Ana Maria and Rachel have also opted to build a sustainable facility, which values the waste generated by animals”
Raquel: “Because we really do not have any waste. I mean, the Ciemo (Mud + dung), which would be a derivative, we use it……. we sell it to the factories of musrooms”
Voice in off (Jose Antonio Mourenza. Newsroom La Rioja. North eastern Spain): “The breeding cycle lasts 45 days, with nearly 300,000 animals and, at the end of the year, farm sale 1,500,000 chickens go out of the farm”
Now, you can read: “The Ecological Essence of La Mancha. Award for Innovation for Rural Women”
Voice in off: “Traditional activities, earthbound, can be reinvented with Innovation. It is what Francisca has made, Manager of a family business, ecological production of plants for medicinal, cosmetic or culinary use. Some, such as Lavender, are distilled to extract essence and, from this drying process, it is obtained Paprika. The achievement is to have reached European and North American markets, without abandoning their roots”
Francisca Muñoz. Manager of Peñarrubia del Alto Guadiana: “Keep working; but, of course, updating, because you can not work as of old ....... It is an emerging market, here in Spain; but that it is very known, in Europe; which has a lot of output, which has a great future ... "
Voice in off: “The Francisca´s project includes a small food store and tours of the distillery. Its activity helps to sustain the environment and, through a small Hotel, it combines with the Rural Tourism (a niche employment for women)”.
Francisca: “We have to participate as owners or as own initiative. We believe that Tourism is a firm and final bet and you can lift many, many families”.
Amparo Álvarez. Newsroom Castille-La Mancha: “A bet that helps make visible women's work, in the agrarian sector, and curb the exodus, in a small town like Osa de Montiel”.
Now, you can read: Cultivation of dye plants. Award for Innovation for rural women
Voice in off: “We found, Alicia Mediavilla, in her workshop in Segovia. She has been awarded for growing plants, with making dyes. She does not pull anything, she reuses it, and the species used are native”
Alicia Mediavilla (Businesswoman): “Many of them are plants which now we consider wild and they have a significant potential Dyer and go completely unnoticed in our eyes”
Voice in off: “She gets colors from everything: flowers, leaves, shells, fruits, branches ..... She recover old recipes; but changing the harmful chemicals for other products”
Alicia: “Some people have problems with chemical sensitivity and.... well ... to use clean textiles, for example, it would be of great help, because they should not suffer symptoms”
Voice in off: “Although her experience is in textile, she tells us that these dyes have many applications”
Alicia: “You can use these pigments to mural painting, for watercolor, for the food industry, for Cosmetic, for a lot of things, because they are not harmful”
Voice in off: “This project is part of a Movement to retrieve applications, that have been forgotten, and put in value rural resources”
Well, I am glad, knowing these projects are intelligent and nice. I hope that women can further research.
Until my next blog post, kind regards,
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