This afternoon, the delivery of the “Princes of Asturias Awards” 2014 will be held, in Oviedo (Asturias, North western Spain). This year, it is the first time that Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Letizia will attend as Kings of Spain; but also it will be the last time, because, from next year, the Princess Leonor shall be who shall give the name “Princess of Asturias Awards”.
But today I do not want to talk about the delivery of the “Princes of Asturias Awards” --which are certainly very important, since Mr. Felipe established them, in 1981, under the name of "Prince of Asturias Awards"--. I want to talk about the visit, that Their Majesties the Kings Felipe VI and Mrs. Letizia will make the Boal Council.

Their Mejesties The Kings Felipe VI and Mrs. Letizia
Boal is a small town (1,700 inhabitants); but very nice, and, therefore, among other reasons, it has just received the distinction of "Exemplary Town of Asturias", an Award which will be given, to the Mayor, by Their Majesties the Kings.

Boal, Asturias
This Award recognizes the organizational capacity of its citizens, to carry out numerous activities, that have allowed the council give vitality and promote their economic, social, cultural, athletic and educational development.
Tomorrow, The Kings will walk through the streets of the town, to see the houses of Indians, in the lower part of this territory.
Also, the Kings will visit the washroom, the Asturias Avenue, a monument dedicated to emigration, the City Hall, the home of beekeeping and graduate schools.

The City Hall of Boal
Their visit to Boal will end at noon, after enjoying a lunch. The kings can enjoy lifelines broth, roast beef with potatoes, cheese with honey from the village and “venera” (typical dessert from the Navia Basin).

It is said that honey from Boal is very very good.
Well, I hope that you can watch on tv the Delivery of the Princes of Asturias Awards, this afternoon.
I am glad with the visit of the new Kings to Boal, because I think that they are going to be very good Kings for Spain.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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