The “Pipirrana” or "Piriñaca" is consumed in the provinces of Granada, Jaen, Almeria, Murcia and south of Ciudad Real, a very long time ago. It is the accompaniment used in the city of Cadiz, for grilled fish, especially mackerel. Each province has a different preparation and composition.
In Jaén, this salad is made with peeled tomatoes, emulsifying much oil, tuna, green pepper and garlic. And it is eaten getting wet soups (ie to soak pieces of bread). In another version it is very common throughout the province, because the simplicity of its preparation makes it ideal to eat anywhere, especially in summer. It is also very common in rural environments, since such simplicity makes it ideal for eating in the field.
In the area of the Sierra de Cazorla-Segura-Las Villas, the "pipirrana rin-ran" is preparated a variant in which all ingredients are mash, resulting in a kind of very thick mashed potato. This variant usually takes cumin, very often in the kitchen area.
In the province of Cadiz there is a dish called “mackerel with Piriñaca”. The fish is roasted in special racks and the Piriñaca, composed by chunks of onion, tomato, pepper, seasoned with olive oil, vinegar and salt, is added.
In Cieza (Murcia) “pimpirrana” or “pipirrana” is prepared with a lot of onion (cut into small pieces and macerated whole day in water), dried cod and chips pepper variety “ñora” (lightly grilled), olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and sometimes black olives. Occasionally, is added, according to taste, some spice like cumin, savory, rosemary or another.
In Murcia, it is elaborated on the basis of romaine lettuce, cucumber, pepper variety ñora, black olives, garlic, dried cod or sardines boot, tomato, oil, salt and lemon.
It is also commonly consumed in the southern province of Ciudad Real, in Valdepeñas, where it is cooked with tomatoes (often shredded), olives, boiled egg, tuna, chopped onion, salt and a drizzle of olive oil. In Bolaños de Calatrava, where it is made with mackerel, tomato, olives, lettuce and onion, and served chilled.
In Cuenca (its part of La Mancha), specifically in Horcajo de Santiago, a different pipirrana is done, because unlike other, this is a casserole. A typical and exquisite dish, because of the variety of foods that it admits: birds, good quality sausages, salted cod, pork, mushrooms, seasoned with bay leaf, garlic, black pepper, onion, dried tomato, hot pepper and potatoes.
Well, I am going to talk you about recipe similar than the recipe from the southern province of Ciudad Real. The diference is that my recipe has no tuna and either mackerel.
These are the ingredients for 4 servings: 1 medium onion. 3 branch tomatoes, not very mature. 1 green pepper. 1 red pepper. 1 cucumber. 1 clove garlic. 2 eggs. Olive oil. Sherry vinegar. Salt.
Time for cooking: 15 minutes.
To begin, wash all vegetables. The onion peel and chop small; the peppers open, we dry the white part and the seeds of them and chop the same size as the onion; we have to peel cucumber and cut it in half, then get to the part of the seed, which is what makes repeat; peel the garlic, remove the green germ them inside, cut them in half and chop it such finer as we can. In a separate saucepan, put the eggs covered in water, with a drop of vinegar and salt and put it to cook for eleven minutes, before cooling in cold water. A rather cold, peel and chop one as the same size of the vegetables, the other one reserve for garnish.
In a large bowl, we prepare a vinaigrette, with three parts of oil to one of vinegar; we put salt, to taste, and whisk until emulsified. Add vegetables and egg, to the bowl, and let cool for about an hour.
To show it, we do the following: In four dinner plates, spread the mixture of pipirrana and add, above, a few slices of boiled egg; put sauce, with the vinaigrette, to everything, thoroughly.
And, this must be the result:

Well, I hope that you want to try to cook this recipe, if you did not know it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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