“Smartick Games” is the name of a new method to allow children to improve abilities such as attention,memory,perception and reasoning and is intended to assist their academic performance, through activities online.

SmartickGames method
The concept has been developed by researchers at the University of Granada.
The researcher from the department of Experimental Psychology Professor Maria Rosario Rueda, explained that they designed the application with a knowledge that it allows for tasks they know "train basic processes of attention, memory and reasoning". She added "The training of these basic processes produces improvements in cognitive performance, that are measurable both cognitively and in terms of brain function”.
So, on the website of SmartickGames website, you will find brain training exercises, to improve cognitive skills, such as attention and memory, needed to learn mathematics optically.
The application analyses the performance data of children, can identify gaps, in specific skills, and provide exercises, to help improve them.
Just like that, the program allows to measure the improvement in mathematical competence, in terms of cognitive training performed, ie see what kind of problems are best done, after you have completed your session with certain exercises.
Meanwhile, the founder-partner of Smartick, Daniel González Vega, explained that the algorithms of the program select the type of activity and the level of difficulty, that best suits each child.
"It lets prescribe customized itineraries cognitive training, based in mathematical exercises performance, depending on the behavior and learning outcomes in training games, suggesting changes in the curriculum of mathematical exercises", he clarified.
In each session “Smartick” shows the most adequate exercises to each student according to their level, the time they needed for earlier exercises and it even takes into account at which exercises the student made the most mistakes in the past. It is also a great tool for parents, who can always access to the progress made by their children.
Everything can be done using a tablet computer and its creators claim that only 15 minutes a day are necessary to develop the student’s skills "to their maximum potential". Once they are finished with their daily exercises, children can access a game section where they train other basic cognitive skills.
The project, that will also be available to the thousands of children who learn mathematics, with Smartick, has the support of the Centre for Research Mind, Brain (CIMCYC), UGR, along with leaders in the areas of cognitive neuroscience, memory and language. It has also been selected, by the European Commission, as one of the most innovative and distinguished European projects of the Horizon 2020 program.
The team of the Centre for Research Mind, Brain
The SmartickGames activities have been designed by a team of experts in child psychology and neuropsychology, scientifically advised by researchers, at the University of Granada.
The UGR professor, Maria Rosario Rueda, has worked for four years, in leading research groups, in the United States, and she continues to collaborate on joint project s with American universities.
The Professor Rueda, accompanied by Teresa Bajo --who is assigned assigned to the Experimentally Psychology department-- are experts in the study of higher cognitive abilities in humans, including the development of these skills and the development of programs to promote such skills throughout life.
Well. I think it is very interesting and I hope that researchers continue searching about this issue.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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