Today I have discovered a Spanish Project, which I found to be very interesting . It demonstrates how to convert bread into plastic.
I thought that would be impossible until I saw the video explaining the process. If like me you are curious please watch it for yourselves by clicking the link below:
Voice in off: “The project is called "Bread4PLA". These are the initials of the Acid Poly Lactic, which is the product obtained from the fermentation of bark and waste bread. Combined with biodegradable plastic, high quality plastic is produced”.
Rosa González (Researcher of AIMPLAS. Technology Institute of plastic): ”We are working with the Industry that deals with waste bread and pastries because these are completely clean and there is an abundance of this waste. Moreover, they also contain a source of starch and sugars”.
Narrator: “In the Technology Centre for cereals,located in Germany, the fermentation was completed and the English won the Polymer”.
Eva Verdejo Andrés (Department of Sustainability of AIMPLAS. Technology Institute of Plastic): “If we look at the amount of waste food, that is discarded at a national and European level, for food production companies it is posing a very serious problem for them”.
Narrator:“Here we see that when the compound has been formulated and moulded,this worthless waste can now be formulated to make the most ideal plastic film for bags, boxes for pasta and pastries”.
Rosa Gonzalez: ”Similar containers and traditional packaging of Polypropylene can now be produced within the food industry”.
Narrator: “It has hard to believe that all this has been achieved from a wasted loaf of bread”.
Eva Verdejo: “Well, what we done is turn this matter into another different raw material, for example in the case of the project “Bread4PLA”,we have produced a plastic film that can be reused and not just in the industry of bread and pasta”.
Paco Alonso,(Voice in off. Editorial department Valencia):“Validated in a pilot plant, this new development has managed to give value to a residue, which, until today, was only used in animal feed”.
Well, I think this video shows that once again in Spain we have very good researchers conducting worthwhile projects.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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