Today, is 16 years ago, that died the spanish writer, Gloria Fuertes. And, today, I want to talk about her, because it was funny to me to hear her speaking, with that sweetness that she spoke with children in mind.
I want you to watch a video, where you can see to Gloria, talking a little bit. If you want to watch this video, please click below:
Alfredo Urdaci: “Gloria Fuertes has left us. She will be buried tomorrow at about 11 and a half, in the South Cemetery, in Madrid. The writer leaves us an intimate collection of stories and poems, which made it one of the characters most loved by children ..., also for the elderly, among whom she was always "a big girl, with voice of rag".
Gloria Fuertes: “I had a forbidden love ... and I was happy, I had forbidden books .... and I was happy. Now, when I go to bed, when I got up before and .......I do not know if I am happy”.
Voice in off: “She had a difficult childhood: her mother was angry, every time she saw her with a book; but, against all odds, Gloria Fuertes was determined to be what she was: a Poet, not a Poetess, woman verse in chest, strong and tender, and with a great sense of humor”
Gloria Fuertes: “It is pretty hard to be happy, one afternoon; but we must try to be happy, so I will take a friend, who calls Tenta, to always be happy (with Tenta)”. Note: Happy = Glad = Contento or Contenta = Con Tenta = With Tenta.
Marisa D. Galilea (Voice in off): “Poet of children; but also for adults, Gloria Fuertes leaves more than 60 books, simple stories and verses, full of love for life”
Gloria Fuertes: “Yes, I liked life .... and I like it...., because it had had all, as all human beings; but no one can take away from me the pleasure, I have already enjoyed…… Anyway, ... I have been applauded by children, I have been applauded by young people, I have been read and ... that makes me happy”.
Well, I am sure that Gloria is doing laugh Angels.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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