Yesterday, I watched on tv a news very positive for Spain: The highest bridge in Europe is being built in Cádiz.
And I have found the video, that explains how is its construction. If you want to watch it, please clic on the link below:
Vicente Vallés (Anchor): “This is the bridge, under construction, largest in Europe and the second in the world, higher, from the sea to the platform. It measures over 3000 meters long and will become the second access over the Bay of Cadiz ............ The work is of enormous technical complexity and it has a removable section to allow passage of special vessels”.
Lourdes Maldonado (Anchor): “Yes, the bridge, after several delays, seems to be inaugurated next year; a team of Antena 3 has visited it, so let us go there; Marta Hernández, What more has attracted your attention of this impressive building?”
Marta Hernandez (Reporter): “As the magnitude of this colossal work, which, not surprisingly, has become the largest bridge-building, in Europe. According to the Head of the work, it is the greatest exponent of Engineering in Spain, putting us at the highest level. This bridge has a rather complicated structure: it is divided into 4 parts, one of them, liftgate; but only on rare occasions, the lifting platform will be removed, so they can pass the boats, because, as we are telling you, of these large measurements. It has a budget to 362 million Euros and a length of 5 km, three of them over the Bay. Once completed, around 100,000 vehicles will circulate daily through this bridge. Currently, the works are executed at 85%; but the remaining 15% still involves a heavy workload. Since work construction of this bridge began, , between 450 and 650 people work, on site”.
María Pérez Laya (Voice in off): “It is one of the 34 pillars, that will hold the new bridge over the Bay of Cadiz. 9 of them are here, in the sea; they have had to fight against the waves and the wind and work further while continuing the usual maritime traffic, in the Bay .... It Is the bridge, under construction, most important in Europe: 3,100 meters in length; but more important is the height: 69 meters highest than the Golden Gate, in San Francisco. In addition, under its suspenders, even higher boats will be able to cross, because it will have a removable section, which may be raised to allow its passage; it is still not settled”.
Fernando Pedrazo (Site Manager): “The next unique is the placement of the removable section, a structure that requires very special official media, because we mobilise near ... well, we exceeded 4,000 tons”
María Pérez: “This removable section is already built; it must be transported, it measures 150 meters and it will be raise with cranes. The work is completed, at 85%, the remaining 15 will be completed in the coming months. In 2015, it will be operational, after several delays. This bridge, with straps, will be the third access, to the city of Cádiz, by road”.
Well, I have liked this news, because it shows that in Spain, we have very good Engineers.
I hope that you are in Spain, when this bridge is finished.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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