I want to show you a video, with an interview to an old lady, who lived alone and felt alone herself; but now she has a great company. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Mariló Montero (Anchor of the program “La mañana” in TVE): “I present to you Amelia García. How old are you, Amelia?”
Amelia García: “88”
You can read: Coffee con Amelia García. “I have better old age than my grandmother”
Mariló: “And since when you began to feel alone?”
Amelia: “Well ... since many years ago .....; since I was a widow, I started living alone and then ... I want to follow living alone, as long as I can and, to do it, they help me very much, so much the Association "Friends of the oldest", who are wonderful and I had lucky when we did, through the Social Services of the City Hall of Madrid, we request help, so that I could follow living alone and, then, soon ..........”
Mariló: “Did your home fall apart?...What is loneliness, Amelia?”
Amelia: “Uy…loneliness is a disease, that has no recipe that alleviates it ....; the recipe and aid are those which, for example, currently, I receive from the Association "Friends of the oldest" ……”.
Mariló: “Now you will say me what do you do there; but I want to know, imagine, when a person is 88 years old .... How long have you been a widow?”
Amelia: “22 years”
You can read: Amelia has a volunteer. “Friend of olders” he helps her in her tasks.
Mariló: “22 years….And have you been 22 years feeling alone yourself….?.....Do have children?”
Amelia: “Yes, I have daughters, but the circumstances of people ... well, people ... they are working .. They leave their homes, at 7 am, they come in the afternoon and, then, if I go their homes, I have the same loneliness than in mine; but, at home, I still have my personality, while I can”.
Mariló: “How big is loneliness?”
Amelia: “Loneliness is a big gap, that if it takes hold of you and it turns, turning in your head, you do not brake it; however, if you have some very moral supports, to help you raise that collapse, that you have……”
Now, you can read: Nearly 2 million older are alone. She participates in all activities proposed to her
Mariló: “Because you can become sad, such as to fall into depression and not wanting to leave home?”
Amelia: “Well ... I, fortunately ........”
Mariló: “Because loneliness, I guess, Amelia, that loneliness will make you form many questions, right? .... One, alone, what question is asked?"
Amelia: “Well ... but ... if the day dawns without knowing why, the first question is: What is that I am today so? and .... I have no answer ..... and that is loneliness: it seems that now, with certain ages, will be running everything, will be running the world, because you find .... I have, I have daughters ... wonderful, and the sons-in-law also, who for me are sons too”.
Mariló: “What do you think of us?
Amelia: “What?”
Mariló: “What do you think of us?, What do we do bad, in order that that elderly ..., in order that there is 2 million elderly alone, in Spain?”
Amelia: “No, no, no, no ... neither we, of our generation, we have done it better, no ..... they are the circumstances, which are not parallel ..: the way we live now, than the way of life, when I, for example, had your years”
Mariló: “But, that you are alone is to blame to children…?, Is it our blame?”
Amelia: “No, no, no….i is the blame of the circumstances”
Mariló: “Right. Then, there is a solution, that you searched out of home ... You call the Community of Madrid, they gave you the help…..Which kind of help they give you?”
Amelia: “But……affection, support, love ....”
Mariló: “But how ....?, Do you arrange to meet with them every morning? ...let us see, tell me what about your way, Amelia”
Amelia: “well…..my way..., I have help.., since coming the Coordinator, Rufi, to my home, the first thing I won was a volunteer ...”
Mariló: “And he is responsible for……”
Amelia: “for visiting, ie, periodically… he visit me…”
Mariló: “He goes your home…, he helps you to do household chores….”
Amelia: “I guarantee you that if that, if that day I am surrounded by loneliness, when he arrives, with the influx of his youth and his joy, loneliness disappears and it wake up like to live and joy ...”
Mariló: “But, What do you do…do you talk, do you chat…?”
Amelia: “Of course…we talk, we chat….. we met yesterday and today ...; he does not believe things, that perhaps I tell him of my youth……..”
Mariló: “Like what….?”
Amelia: “Well ... things that happened, that….he is surprised and says: How do you let those things and how did you have that way of life ....?, and however ... that is the yesterday, and he teach me the way of life, that you, young people, have now, .... and he also helps me to understand it, which I also have to understand it”.
Mariló: “Ie, now you have your day to day, besides ......, a communication, which helps you, moreover, to reflect on your life ........ And then play, play sports, participate in activities”.
Amelia: “Well, activities, now, thanks to the Association, Friends of the elderly, we have many events because volunteers, submitted to us, and they become our shadows”
Mariló: “Make me a favor, Amelia, who are many, do me a favor, who are many older people, who are seeing it at home ....., tell them something, if they are alone ....”
Amelia: “But…What am I going to telle them….?...I led a very active life and, when, cause of some circumstances, I had to stop, I found the help, wonderful, from "Friends of older" and, then, my life has been filled, again, of illusion and joy”
Mariló: “Well, I hope they heed you and call the Association, that they obey to this campaign, so that your message can help all these people, who are alone”
Amelia: “To many persons, because, in the Association, I think that we are more than 300 persons”
Mariló: “How thoughtful! .... Therefore, it is a perfect invitation ... Amelia, I would be talking about a long time with you ....”
Amelia: “And always, always helped by our volunteers, that we go to many events”
Mariló: “And you have to thank a lot the work of the volunteers ..... Amelia: you are loved... God bless you!”
Amelia: “Very well, thank you very much for the minutes, that you have presented me….”
Mariló: “Now, listen, that we are going to talk about Isabel Pantoja, who has left the farm “La Cantora”. Right?. Now I am going with Jota, to the couch, and he tells us the latest news, Right?”.
Well. The video has finished and I hope that you have enjoyed the interview.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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