Today, I would like to show you a video, where a Spanish group (HOAC = Brotherhood Catholic Workers Action), in Andalusia, sing to person. Later you will see how they defend the person of a child, the person of a woman, etc. And I agree with them, thinking that you have to defend the lives of children, since they are conceived, before birth. We must also defend the right of a woman, for example to charge the same as a man, if both are doing the same job. We must also defend the person of an immigrant, especially if flees his country, by political ideology or extreme poverty. And, of course, we also must defend the person of elderly.
If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Person is……the first…..
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is the first…..
Person is the first…..
Person is the first….
Person is the first….
If person is not the first, someone will take his place ....
the benefits, the economy, if not, maybe the capital will be.
If person is not the first, the world works backwards.
If person is not the first, we have to do something.......
While you were listening ths son, wou could watch some signs. For example, you can read: ¡Hay cosas que solo se ven con lagrimas en los ojos! (There are some things that you only see with tears in your eyes!). Las pobrezas son un problema político (The poverties are a political problem). Negreros de ayer, políticos de hoy (Cruel yesterday, Politician today). Precaridad laboral, enfermedad contagiosa(Labor precarity, contagious disease). El otro es el otro, pero es Cristo (The other is the other, but it is Christ). Soy obrero por la Gracia de Dios (I am a worker by the Grace of God). Lo distinto te despierta el corazón (the different thing wakes you up the heart). AQUI - ALLA (HERE - THERE). Hacer fraternidad es construir justicia (Make fraternity is to build justice). ¡El mundo marcha al reves! (The world works backwards!). Quien llora y sufre irá primero (Who cry and suffer will go first). El trabajador no es una mercancía (The worker is not a commodity). Recarga la vida de solidaridad (Recharge life of solidarity). Todos iguales en la diversidad (All equal in diversity). El niño es persona (Child is a person). El anciano es persona (The old man is a person). No me discrimines en mi trabajo por ser mujer (Do not discrimínate me in my work because I am a woman). Blasfema quien humilla, discrimina o explota (Blasphemous who humbles, discriminate or exploits). El niño es persona (Child is a person). Las vallas para el ganado no tienen concertinas (The fences for livestock have barbed wire). La usura es un pecado mortal (Usury is a mortal sin). No mas puentes (No more bridges). Entre todos podemos (Together we can). Con tu puedo y mi quiero todo es posible (With your I can and my I want all is possible). Un sueño (A dream). Comunidad garantia de esperanza (Community warranty of hope). Ningun ser humano es illegal (No human being is ilegal). Todos somos migrantes (We are all migrants). Nativa o extranjera, la misma clase obrera (Native or foreign, the same working class). Hoy empieza el mañana (Today begins tomorrow). Hacer fraternidad es construer justicia (Make fraternity is to build justice). Algo tenemos que hacer (We must doing something). Recarga la vida de solidaridad (Recharge life of solidarity). ¡Creemos otra cultura!, ¡Vivamos de otra manera! (Let us create another culture!, Let us live by other way!).
Person is……the first…..
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
We feel own the brother's suffering here and there ....
We become messengers of tender embrace and fraternity ......
If the person is not the first, the world goes backwards.
Who cry and suffer will go first, turn it again ......
Person is……the first…..
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
If person is not the first, who has more will trample
our reason, our rights, we will not even comment ....
If person is not the first, the world goes upside down.
If he goes before the usurer, something must be removed .....
Person is……the first…..
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
If we build a new world, putting the center humanity, a new dream will be born, creating all community.
If person is not the first, the world goes backwards. If person is not the first, we have to do something......
Person is……the first…..
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Person is……the first….
Well, the video has finished, but you can reflect about it, these days, before the Christmas time.
I think this video is full of values, full of wishes of natural rights, regardless of religion, forgetting, for a moment, that this video is sponsored by a Catholic organization.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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