Quico Taronjí is a journalist and a Captain of yacht; therefore he is called "Captain Q". Recently, he undertook a trip, in a small catamaran-kayak, throughout the Spanish coast. He ended his trip to Bilbao and around. When he reached the beach “Sopelana” (Vizcaya), he saw that they were practicing Paragliding and he wanted to try it.
If you want to see the video of Quico, flying, with a glider, above the Beach of Sopelana, please you click on the link below:
Quico: “Do I have to sit?”
Instructor: “Until we are flying, you do not go”
Quico: “All right”
Another member of the group: “Cone on…Captain….!”
Quico: “The truth is that it is a pleasant feeling ..... It is like flying, obviously; but it is like flying in a quiet way”
Quico: “It is amazing………..!!!!!”
Quico: “Hello…….!!”
Quico: “It is awesome….!”
Quico: “That last!....It is all is little quiet…………….Uhhhhh….Come on…, come on……I am a mad bird………….Flying is practically the only thing, that I needed to do, on this trip and it was absolutely amazing ..... With the adrenaline rush, I get to port to sleep, before leaving to Bermeo....”
Well, I liked watching this video, because I envy them, to see them flying, paragliding, with that value, that I have not got. I hope that you also have liked it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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