Both stroke and Myocardial Infarction are two problems, that leave sequels, like fear and depression. In the Gregorio Marañón Hospital (in Madrid), there is a group of professionals, ready to help sufferers of these diseases, to overcome this crisis in their lives.
There is a video, showing how this group works the therapy for these patients. If you want to watch the video, please click on the link below:
Ana Blanco (Anchor): “Almost four years, after suffering a stroke, the actress, Silvia Abascal, prepares herself to return to star in a movie. In all this time, she has been recovering herself without falling into despair; but there are patients who, after spending a stroke or a heart attack, they fear, depression and anxiety……..
Ana Blanco: “According to experts, people who have a positive attitude, recover better and even are strengthened, psychologically, as has happened to Silvia Abascal”
Now you can read: AFTER A BLOW
Silvia Abascal: “Not that I have changed, you know?, Values now I know what matters, how valuable ... no, nothing like that. That remains the same as before ... now more reinforced. But…it is true that I have learned, a lot about my ability .... of self-improvement”
Ana Blanco: “However, when the attitude is negative, the brain generates stress and the patient is unable to improve”
You can read: A SECOND LIFE
A patient: “Since it happened me the infarct, I have not stopped brooding: it can happens to you again ..... So, recently, I had to go to the Emergency room, because I was stressed, I had anxiety ........ ..”
Another patient: “I still follow so scared to sleep, because I think that perhaps I……. I am not going to notice, if it happens again ....”
Voice in off: “There are people who, after suffering a heart attack, they sink theirselves, they are scared and blocked”
Silvia Holguera (clinical psychologist in the Gregorio Marañon Hospital, Madrid): “Constantly, one is giving it turns and, slowly, one task is to place it, giving it a sense, cognitively and emotionally: to clarify what I am feeling at that moment, what is happening to me, fear ...”
Beatriz Perez Perea (Voice in off): “In the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of the Hospital Gregorio Marañón, in Madrid, they help them to gain confidence and recover their activity, starting with what we already know: eat right, leave the tobacco --if they are smokers-- and make, slowly, growing more exercise”
Manuel Abeytua (Cardiology Service of the Gregorio Marañon Hospital): “After a few months, they may be some different persons, with a much higher quality of life, than before submitting an acute myocardial infarction…………It is demonstrated that cardiac rehabilitation improves quality of life of these patients and, in addition, also survival, increases survival”
You can read: Editing: Luis Carazo
Beatriz Perez Perea: “Psychologically, not everyone reacts the same, with problems such as serious illness, there are people who grow theirselves, they are always positive, they are resilient people”
Rafaela Santos (President of the Spanish Institute of Resilience): “There is a third of the population, about having a higher innate ability to cope with difficult situations, without fear ... When people do not accept an illness or a serious accident, when something, that is supposedly not accepted .... something that traumatizes us, you suffer twice”
Beatriz Perez Perea: “But Resilience can be learned”
Rafaela Santos: “The attitude is what will determine, that our brain acts, generating stress and fear and anxiety, or generating confidence and security”
Beatriz Perez Perea: “An example of a resilient person is, without doubt, the actress Silvia Abascal, who suffered a stroke, in 2011, when she was only 32 years old”
Silvia Abascal: “I remember a whip ... radical, suddenly ... a very sharp pain in the ears .....; when I tried to cover my ears and saw that the hands were not coordinating me, then I said: something is happening here ... from the High Chief ....”
Beatriz Perez Perea: “Her life took a dump, that she would never have imagined ..... Her career was stopped cold and she had to start learning all over again”
Silvia: “You can not do this ......!. It is that is a rebirth, I always say it, it is a fresh start; but ... well ... with patience, positivity ..., surrounding you with people, who encourage you ... ,not of those people, who remind you of the misfortune…..Is not it? ..., that has happened to you ..., one ... one evolves ... "
Now you can read: “Do not say anything” by Silvia Abascal
Beatriz Perez Perea: "Gradually, she has recovered. She has written a book; she directed her first Short (film) and after doing small roles, in January, Silvia Abascal will start shooting, and as a protagonist, a movie about the Pope Francis. Some sequels have been stayed with her, sounding noises in her head, permanently, and everything that happens, around her, she hear it amplified; but she has adapted herself”
Silvia Abascal: “For me, what has helped me, get away from why to me ...: stop asking that question and then .... not spend all day on that .... I was not all day, but not an instant…That is, to be where I am now, I am this one, with limitations ... capabilities, which have fallen ....; but also with other things, surely ... Sure, sure ... .... they have been developed. It will sound as a great cliché; but really, it is true: I wake up with a THANKS"
Well. I think it is so interesting for people. I hope that you have liked this study.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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