The ability to communicate without wifi or mobile internet or coverage is a theory, known since a long time and has begun to practice, on mobile devices, in recent years; first, with the SMS and, now, with chat messages and calls.
The technology, called a wireless mesh network allows calls, send and receive messages when networks are overloaded or in a place with little or no coverage.
This is possible thanks to other phones, which are connected to the network and act as an access point, for the terminal, that is not. These connect to each other through the wifi antenna lead built.

This year, a research group, at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), has patented, in our country, the protocol in which such networks (in English called mesh) is based and is developing a hardware device, that allows you to warn withholding drivers on the road.
The Professor of Telecommunications, in the UPCT, and member of the group, Fernando Cerdan, has explained, to, with this patent, --approved in May 2014, after four years of process-- explain "nothing new", but specify what procedure to communicate, with a device, without network access.
"You can connect through other phones, that are covered with the base station [telephone network]”, Cerdan, who pointed out that this technology creates a double network, stated: the connection to the base station and another "point to point”, with the mobile phones, that the user has around, through their respective antennas wifi.
This procedure, that has already been used in applications such as FireChat, that allows to send messages with the mechanism P2P (peer-to-peer, from device to device) in situations where there is no coverage, or the latest MeshMe. This last expects that mobile becomes a kind of router, to chat offline.
The group of the UPCT already put in practice this system, in 2007. Along with the Valencian company “Tissat”, created the Salta 2.0 application, a software that texted (SMS) between mobile Nokia, using wireless networks. Either directly or through other mobile acting as 'gateway', to get connectivity.
Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena are considering upgrading this application, from 2007, and adapt it to current major mobile operating systems, Android and iOS.
By the moment, they have done simulations messaging chat text type, such as WhatsApp, and voice calls (VoIP), with mobile without coverage. "The more nodes are in the network most likely have to conduct successful communication", said Cerda.
According says the professor, one of the possible uses is in extinguishing fires, in forest areas. "The brigade go in groups of five or six, but not all carry communications equipment, although they do their mobile. Through an app, they could give their position, in forest density, because the GPS may not work", he said.
The Dintel group of the UPCT (Division of Innovation in Telematic Systems and Electronic Technology) has also proven technology for voice calls. "It has more quality restrictions, because if there are many devices gateway, you can not have a fluent conversation; but if there is a good density of nodes, you can have quality conversations", has topped Cerdán.
The project, that they have aimed, is a prototype of hardware, to warn drivers of retentions on road, combined with car security systems.
"If a jam and a halt sticks, emergency flashers are activated and a signal is sent to the cars going back. By beeps or other method, it would warn that one kilometer would have to start braking", noted Cerdan, who notes that it is a system that have yet to study how to implement, but it depends, largely, on car manufacturers.
Like any technology, in order this system is a reality everyday, there must be who use it. The Professor of Telecommunications told that it would be necessary those mobile, with which you collaborate, have an installed app, or reach an agreement with the telephone companies, to allow communication with the base station and other mobile app.
Regarding the patent Cerdán noted that the invention is only protected in Spain since when they had the opportunity to apply for the extension to international patent lacked the funding to start the process.
The invention refers to four possible situations: if the source device and destination are covered; if the destination is not covered but the origin itself, in this case the destination is a gateway that supports itself has coverage-; the destination is covered, but the caller does not --the origin is supported by a walkway itself has coverage-- and that neither origin nor destination have coverage --the communication is only possible if there are support nodes--.
Apart from specifying these cases, the patent also includes a power saving mechanism to detect whether a mobile battery is low. In that case, the device, which is the gateway, would stop not to consume.
Well, I think that mobile is a very important invention and, therefore, if it can help people in difficult situations, it is welcome.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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