Roceño is the name of the white lion cub was born, at dawn, on Thursday, in a circus in Madrid. This is an example of a species, that is endangered and there is sparse population.
The puppy, with 800 grams in weight and 30 inches tall, was born at 4.24 am, this early morning, in the facilities of the “Holiday circus”, which will remain, in the town of Las Rozas (Madrid), until next January 11.

With only 10 hours to live, the breeding white lion is in "perfect condition", like his mother, according indicated the head of communication of the circus, Ignacio Pedrera.
The mother of the breeding white lion, an albino lion, even a second of his son, who they doze together awaiting the arrival of his lunchtime and he remains oblivious to the watchful eyes of her caregivers are not separated.
For Roceño, named for the adjective of the inhabitants of Las Rozas (Madrid), is difficult to stand and he shows his claws, when somebody is trying to separate him from his mother.
For its part, the head of the circus, Justo Sacristan, shows the little white lion, as if it were his child and, in a few months, he will be educated, in order to become part of the circus.
The albino lion of the Circus Holiday, Roceño´s mother, has spawned several white lions. Two years ago, she gave birth to two cubs that today live, in the Zoo Safari Wildlife Adventure of Hinojosa of San Vicente, in Toledo.
White lions "are usually a mix", because, when a parent is albino, as the case Lioness of this circus, may leave these white cats, explains Pedrera. "No species itself that is white lion", he adds.
For this reason, he adds, "there are only 50 copies worldwide and, most is in circuses and zoos".
Pedrera, also responsible for the national campaign for circus animals, notes that fro the circus are working for white lions do not become extinct.
Therefore, he says, the albino lioness is not part of the spectacle of the circus, but that is dedicated to procreate. However, when Roceño gets older, will have to live and share the limelight, at the circus, with ostriches, African Watusi, camels, llamas of Peru, crocodiles, pythons or dwarf horses.
Clowns, acrobats, jugglers and magicians complete the two-hour circus show, in which the audience, by now, can only make photos with the little Roceño.
I wish, to the members of Circus Holiday, having much luck, with the presentation of this new lion, for their show. And also I hope that you can come to Madrid, ever, and wants to go to the circus, to enjoy with all their show.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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