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Mis fotos

This is a very special site for me. I can express this way my perception of reality through these photo image creations and share them with you as if you were at my home.

Holy Week 2009 in Algeciras 4
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 1:09 PM

This picture was made on Thursday (Jueves Santo), in the Procession of "Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno......", but, here, you can see three members of three religious Associations: in the middle, a penitent of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno --well, when we are waiting for seeying it (the passing), we say that we are waiting for  "Nazareno", simply--.And, the other two penitents belong to other different Association, but I do not remember which they are --perhaps the black penitent belongs to the Procession of "Santo Entierro", which go out on friday (Viernes Santo).But I will show you some pictures about it next days--.

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