Today I bring you a very funny video, where a group of artists performs music of Bach, for children, halfway between Jazz and Electronic.
If you want to watch this video, please click below:
Voice in off: “Johann Sebastian Bach surely would have been as surprised as these children, to hear this version of one of his Concerts from Brandeburgo, or even more, halfway between Jazz and Electronic”
Llibert Fortuny (Musician): “What I have tried is closer it to my world, more technological, more improvisation ....; but is great and whatever you do, always works, because melodically it is as strong .....”
Voice in off: “And all this with the most demanding public ...: children”
A child: “that my sister danced sitting for the first time……”
A mother: “It is a very good way, for children, to begin to see live music concerts and other form of listening to Bach”.
Voice in off: “A key songwriter, in the history of Music ... Does it sound to you?”
Sandra Sangermán (Editorial department. Voice in off): “His production is not just for kids: masses and oratorios, to listen in churches, at one time, Baroque, which had not yet invented concert halls”
Assumpció Malagarriga (Director Educational Services, Audience of Barcelona): “Bach is a composer, who many people would say that is not for children; but children can understand any kind of music, like adults…. If we get hit, when they hear, they will want to repeat and want to hear more”.
Sandra Sangermán: “And so bring Classical Music to children”
Well, I hope that you enjoyed this news.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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