Today, we have celebrated, in Spain, the “Three King´s Day” --or according to Catholic tradition: The “Epiphany of the Lord”--. And one of the things, that characterize this day is the "King cake" (a kind of sweet bun, which leads into a figurine gift. It is usually bought for breakfast or snack).

King cake

King cake with figurine gift
I have shown you one King cake unfilled. But you can also buy a stuffed King cake cream. Here you have an example:

Stuffed king cake cream
I would like to show you a video, where it is explained how to cook a King cake. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
The presenter: “Marta and Isabel, who now are going to prepare, for me, a Christmas sweet, very typical, that we can not disclose, until we finish .... What carrys it within?”
Marta: “Well, look, first let us do, a little bit, what are the aromatic components: first ... well, butter, let us put a little bit of butter .., which is fat, what absorbs flavors well .. ., we will put rum, sugar, a little bit of salt, which will give .....”
Isabel: “You always have to pour salt to all sweets, to mix flavors well”
Marta: “………After: orange zest and lemon zest”
The presenter: “Is your daughter making it well?”
Isabel: “She does it so perfectly, she is a gem….”
The presenter: “And with this, what do we do now?”
Marta Cardenas (The Isabel Maestre´s Bakery): “We are going to put it to heat and, when it has tempered a bit, when it is about 28 degrees, we will add it to the flour, with the yeast and ....”
The presenter: “Do not tell more, do not tell more, that if you do it, we will know what it is about…..”
Isabel: “Look, Mar: here we have the mix, that we have made on fire….”
Mar (the presenter): “Now, what do we do, Marta?”
Marta: “Well, we will add orange blossom water, which is the most important ingredient of this sweet ...”
Mar: “We have said one key..¿Eh? ... Let us see if people do know it......”
Mar: “What do we pour…?”
Marta: “First ... over here, flour ... I will put it in the robot ....”
Mar: “And…If we have no robot at home..……by hand?”
Marta: “By hand or…., if not, buying it in an artisan pastry …..”
Mar: “How much of flour we have poured?”
Marta: “Half kilo. And now, I will leave this amassing a very long time, as if it was a brioche dough, until it is a smooth mass and with an elastic consistency”
Isabel Maestre (The Isabel Maestre´s Bakery): “Now we are going to take it out the bowl and we are going to move it here, to ferment”
Isabel: “It is already to shape it…”
Mar: “Let us see what form has this sweet .... What are you checking, Isabel?”
Isabel: “What I want is to do the little hole, immediately”
Mar: “........ It everything seems indicate…………that what I have in my hand ..... you have to insert it into ............. Hey ... Where do I put this one………whererever ....?”
Isabel: “Here within…”
Mar: “But it is very big….”
Isabel: “No, no, no… goes up later…….You have to paint it with egg”
Mar: “Well…., what an impression has this king cake….!”
Isabel: “What a good impression…..Is not it?”
Mar: “Lack a little decoration, Is not it?”
Isabel: “Of course. Now we are going to do it”
Mar: “What do you pour to it?”
Isabel: “We will now paint it with apricot, almond, sugar and orange”
Mar: “Is King cake eaten only at Kings time or may we take it all the year?”
Isabel: “All the year. And we have to try that it is an our dessert, como el Panetone, que el Panetone is taken all the year and you have to try that King cake arrives to be taken all the year too”
Mar: “Well..chin chin…..Chin chin of King cake, cause of the Christmas Time……”
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed with this video. Perhaps a day you want try to cook a king cake like this one, Do not you?.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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