Today, I want to shw you a video, where you can watch how fresh is fish in Cabo de Gata. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
The presenter: “Pepe….Cabo de Gata….I could not wait to come……!”
Pepe: “Thank you very much, man, for your visit”
The presenter: “That is…….I come fortalking about fish…and I see the table empty….”
Pepe: “If you wait two minutes, and I will bring you cooler, cooler, cooler little fish ......”
The presenter: “Fresh?”
Pepe (Chiribus): “Fresh, until it can not any more…”
The presenter: “Are you going to the fish store or it is closed until the weekend?....”
Pepe: “Nothing!”
The presenter: “To the stock?, are you going to the association…”
Pepe: “Nothing……Even better…………...”
The presenter: “I wait for you here”
Pepe: “Wait for me…two minutes”
The presenter: “Come on, Pepe!”
Pepe: “Dalo….What……..?”
Dalo: “But..look….I have arrived now…..Here I bring a couple of little squids…..take you them…..”
Pepe: “Yo pass over there and you drink a “Cañica” = little “caña” = little beer….when you want….”
Dalo: “Come on….and we will settle up a score….”
Pepe: “Good morning, Paquito…”
Paquito: “Good morning, Pepe….”
Pepe: “What do you say…?. What do you bring…?”
Paquito: “….a couple of large pins and the jarreras”
Pepe: “Oh my!...the pin, that is so good, made into slices fried… is scrumptious…..”
Pepe: “Oh…my….They are alive….!”
The presenter: “Have you the fire ready?”
Antonia (The lady cooker): “I am going to prepare it right now…..”
The presenter: “See you”
The presenter: “Maaaannnn……!....Pepe…….”
Pepe: “How are you, friend?”
The presenter: “Fresh fish….”
Pepe: “Little, fresh, little fresh….”
The presenter: “Where do you bring it from?”
Pepe: “From the small boat….What better fish you can eat, that comes directly out of the boat to here?”
The presenter: “Listen to one thing, Pepe .... there you have your fish store, directly ....”
Pepe: “Yes, sir”
Pepe: “You take it from the net, you rinse it a little bit, I see if it is around .... or they come, they bring .... It is a prawn bay, here in front: Cape Bay Gata ................... yes mullets are San Jose .... This, Paquito, there in front, with the net ... the spit, the blacksmith ....”
The presenter: “Which fish is taken: The King or the Queen?”
Pepe: “Bravo that waitress ....”
The presenter: “Jacob, I know I am going to make you jealous ... we are living the holidays, here in Cabo de Gata, in short sleeves. Is not it, Pepe?”
Pepe: “Maaaaannnnn!. It is not cold….we are at 22 degrees….”
The presenter: “Very weeeeell…….We say goodbye….Cabo de Gata….The applause…”
Pepe: “That applause…….”
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed with this story. Until my next post, kind regards,
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