Holy Week 2009 in Algeciras 6
Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 1:03 PM

The man who goes behind Jesus (Nazareno) is Simón Cireneo --named "Cireneo", because it is suposed that he camed from Cirene (a town in the North of Africa)--.Simón was walking near Jerusalén, when he saw Jesus and he helped him to carry the Cross, closed to the mound of the Calvario.The meeting among Simón and Jesus was by chance, because Simón came from land and he was not in the group who shouted insulting to Jesus; moreover, he read the inscription which was on the Cross, which said: "Jesus Nazareno, Rey de los Judíos" ("Jesus Nazareno, King of Jews").Simón was a Jew.Then, seeing Jesus with the Cross affected to Simón and he converted himself to Christianity. Although he did not help to Jesus, voluntarily, because Jesus´s watchmen forced Simón to help to Jesus, in order that Jesus did not die on the path, before to die on the Cross, in the Calvario.In 1759, the old Brotherhood ("Cofradía") of "Padre Jesus Nazareno...." was found.In May of 1931, dismantled temples and destroyed images in the beginining of the Second one Republic.The Brotherhoods disappear.November of 1934, the sculptor from Cadiz, Lorenzo Benitez Pacheco, restores the original image of the Nazareno, distroyed in 1931.In 1937, on "Miercoles Santo" (Wenwesday Saint) the procession of the Nazareno goes out of the parish church of La Palma.