I did not know this dish, until two years ago, more or less, when I ate it, at home. And I liked very much. Today, I want to share with you the recipe of this typical dish, from Antequera, Málaga, in the South east of Spain.

It is named: “Porra Antequerana”.
These are the Ingredients, for 4 persons: 1 kg of ripe tomato branch. 400 grams of bread crumbs village. A red pepper. A green pepper. A clove of garlic. 200 grams of virgin olive oil. Sherry vinegar, to taste. Salt. And to accompany: Grated egg yolk. Chopped green and red peppers.
To cook this dish, you need to spend 20 minutes.
You have to do this one: Wash all vegetables. Next, peel the tomatoes and scoop out the seeds. In a blender cup, put the meat tomatoes with peppers, chopped --reserve a piece of each, for garnish--, garlic and bread crumbs, cut into pieces. You have to beat all, at full power until it is a homogeneous mash; then, begin pouring the oil slowly, without stopping to move. Put salt and vinegar, to taste, and store in cool, at least a couple of hours. To the accompaniment: chop a little bit from the two peppers, into small squares, and grate a couple of cooked egg yolks.
To finish, in four deep plates, pour the “Porra”, take the baton, sprinkle the chopped peppers, make piles with yolk and sprinkle all with olive oil.
And this one must be the result:
Porra Antequerana
Well, I hope that you try to cook this dish and,better if you come to Spain and, concretelly to Antequera, in order to eat this wonderful dish.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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