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Las Lagunas de Ruidera: a wonderful Spanish place to be kept
Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 11:58 AM

        I have never been in the Lagoons of Ruidera (Castilla.La Mancha, South eastern Madrid, Spain); but since I have seen it, on the internet, it seems a very nice and interesting place, to be well kept, for the good of all.

      I have just found n interesting video, about these lagoons. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:

Voice in off:  “The Lagoons of Ruidera maintain an optimal level, on half of the hydrological year. The water overflowing on waterfalls and scenery does not disappoint, when you look at it. Many specimen of Mallards, Cormorants, red Ducks and Smormujos enjoy a clean environment, waiting for more rain”    

Jose Antonio Pizarro (Director of the Natural Park Lagoons of Ruidera): “Still we are under 200 liters fallen, as it is the Hydrological Year; but I repeat that it might, now, be solved year and having a good month of March or a good Spring ..... and we have even an exceptional year of rain”

Voice in off: “What makes this environment something unique are tuffaceous barriers, formed by carbonate deposits, although many of the 450,000 annual visitors, to the park, are ignorants. The challenge is to change the massification for a nature tourism, more sustainable. This summer, there will be a new Management Plan, with controlled access, more sevices and information; entrepreneurs of the sector are interested themselves”

Francisca Muñoz (Hotel Manager): “Improve our accommodation, in order that the staff is more prepared, and I think that, gradually, we are getting it, because also the offer is diversifying: hiking is promoted, literary routes”

Amparo Álvarez (Voice in off. Editorial office of Castille-La Mancha): “Future proposals for a space cataloged, by the European Union, “Site of Community Interest”, which aims at conservation, development support”

      Well, I hope that you can visite The Lagoons of Ruidera, if you did not it before.

      Until my next post, kind regards,


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Fartharder said:
Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 7:20 PM

I went camping at Lagunas De Ruidera a few years ago and really enjoyed it. It's a beautiful place when there is plenty of water cascading through the lagoons. You could be unlucky and go at a time when there's very little water as it's just not the same. A good time to go is late May/early June. Good weather and the lagoons should be nicely topped up.

mariadecastro said:
Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 10:48 PM

Thank you, Fartharder, for your comment, because it may encourage many people to visit these lagoons. Thank you for talking well about my country, because political and business corruption is doing great harm to Spain, abroad, and I think that is unfair, because, in Spain, we have many good things: good food, beautiful scenery, good musicians and painters, hard-working and honest people.....Therefore, thank you for choose Spain.
Kind regards,

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